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Let’s learn rice farming with Sakuna: Of Rice and Ruin – News


It turns out that rice does not grow on its own and the Japanese studio Edelweiss intends to remind us of this by detailing step by step the process of rice cultivation as it is integrated in its action-RPG. The work begins with the preparation of the field which must be cleaned and plowed with his hoe.

The grains of rice must then be sorted by stirring them in a bucket filled with a salted mixture in order to eliminate the inferior rice, being careful not to reduce the yield too much.

The selected grains then evolve into plants that Sakuna will plant in the field, taking care not to space them too much or to bring them too close, which could have a detrimental effect on their growth.

Together, we can count on local ducks to nibble on harmful insects and thus protect rice plants against diseases, not to mention the contribution of cows to plow the fields more efficiently. Note that the player can also delegate tasks to the inhabitants of the village, but to the detriment of the quality and volume of the harvest.

The next step is that of irrigation. The quality of this (quantity of water, temperature, weather) will have an impact on the harvest, as will the fertilization process which consists in nourishing the soil with fermented compost, which also helps to repel diseases and insects. In addition, we are shown that we will have to remember to pull out the weeds from time to time. With repeated efforts, Sakuna’s abilities will improve in order to speed up and optimize certain stages. Spirituality also has its place in labor, as evidenced by the possibility of making a prayer to make the weather more favorable.

Finally comes the satisfaction of the harvest, knowing that it is recommended to drain the water from the field before mowing the rice plants and hanging them, in order to make them dry more quickly.

Before your eyes filled with admiration, Sakuna here vigorously shells the rice using a manual tool before proceeding to the husking using a pestle and a wooden mortar. “The more you polish the rice, the closer it is to white rice and the better its quality, but the lower its nutritional value when used as an ingredient“, intervenes Uncle Ben’s. Let us finish by specifying that the capacities of Sakuna will evolve according to the quality and the quantity of rice which she harvests throughout the game, which could even allow him to develop new capacities.

Sakuna : Of Rice and Ruin will be available on November 20 on PS4, Switch and Steam for 39.99 euros. What are we eating tonight ?

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