After the presentation of the team of the presidential candidate of the Fuerza y Corazón por México coalition,
During a local and national media panel, the pre-candidate of the “Let’s Keep Making History” coalition was questioned about Xochitl’s pre-campaign team and assured that unlike the opposition they offer “a long-range and long-term national project.” “.
“What can they offer? The past, a past of corruption that our country has already experienced, on the other hand we have the entire movement, who made the nation project, intellectuals, thinkers, fighters, like Armando Bartra, Ignacio Taibo II himself , Hugo López-Gatell himself, (…) and now we have incorporated him with other personalities to make it much more plural, the opinion forums. (…) and that will be accompanied by what the president and new projects”.
Read also “She is my friend, but what she suggests is irrational,” says Dante Delgado about the invitation of Xóchitl Gálvez
“On the other side they offer electoral fraud, “raccoonism”, they offer corruption, that is the PRIAN offer,” said Claudia Sheinbaum.
Questioned about the images that Xochitl Gálvez showed at the Anáhuac University that are allegedly offensive against women, Sheinbaum asked that citizens assess whether it is political gender violence.
“We are going to continue growing because we offer hope, and we always fulfill what we commit to,” he concluded.
Also read Xóchitl Gálvez includes his children Diana and Juan Pablo in his work team heading towards 2024
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2023-12-05 23:24:40
#side #offer #electoral #fraud #raccoonism #corruption #Sheinbaum #Gálvezs #team