It will officially open in spring 2024, but a preview has been granted in homage to the birthday of Italo Svevo, tutelary deity of literary Trieste: it is LETS, the new Trieste Literature Museum conceived and promoted by the municipal administration as a “place for meeting, planning and carrying out the activities of the literary city”, a space in which to learn more about many iconic literary voices of the twentieth century: first of all that of Italo Svevoborn Aron Hector Schmitz, celebrated today with a generous visit
to the spaces that tell it, set up in synergy with the Swabian Museum at Palazzo Biserini, in the central Piazza Hortis where his statue has stood for twenty years. The LETS Museum – Literature Trieste will open up vast areas also dedicated to James Joyce e Umberto Saba, excellent literary voices of the international literary twentieth century who met in Trieste. But it will be, in general, the “home” of many cultural and linguistic souls united in the name of literature: a place where you can encounter the history of the city in the words of its writers and learn to know it in all its complexity and richness.
Looking out at the “Bookshop” divided into 19 thematic modules with 7 revolving stations, with multifunctional display cases and interactive stations and with an array of 1012 books available to the public, you will be able to appreciate and delve into many aspects of this rich and varied literary world and learn about it the protagonists of yesterday and today: from Claudio Magris a Boris Pahor, and Mauro Covacich a Susanna Tamaro, Pier Antonio Quarantotti Gambino, Fulvio Tomizza, Giorgio Pressburger, Paolo Rumiz, Pino Roveredo, Anita Pittoni, Carolus Cergoly, Bobi Bazlen, Virgilio Giotti, Pietro Spirito, Giorgio Voghera.
Near the bookshop you can access the “Cinematograph of Stories”, a space that will tell the story of Trieste and literature through cinema, thus interpreting the interest that the city arouses in many directors who choose it as a set, but also of books that they turned into films. There are many suggestions linked to Trieste as it has gradually been expressed in literature in its most celebrated aspects – the Central European city, the city of coffee and the Karst, of the border and of diplomacy – and in the complex and sometimes painful aspects, linked to the vicissitudes historians of the short century. Unmissable, in the area dedicated to Italo Svevo, is a “Freudian” station with a standard black sofa, the soundtrack that rises to the notes of Bach’s “Chaconne”, and a screen to ‘project’ the interior visions they gave voice to , together with the great author, the many followers of subsequent generations.
The LETS – Letteratura Trieste project was born from the precious experiences of the literary museums dedicated to Italo Svevo and James Joyce, characterized by an immense intangible heritage in the name of Trieste as the literary capital of some of the greatest twentieth-century experiences. The museum itinerary will be characterized by the great metaphors of the narration of modernity: and a newsstand of History will contain useful details for the visitor to understand the cultural and literary dynamics; Again, the Le voci sulle wave station will allow the visitor to listen to the audiobooks of the LETSlisten project, with interviews and radio programmes, and a lot of sound material.
#Lets #born #literature #museum #Trieste #Opening #spring
– 2024-04-27 13:09:27