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let’s give ourselves the means to fight against violence against women “

7:00 p.m., November 23, 2021

Here is their platform: “Disgusting, infinitely painful, unacceptable. Chahinez Daoud, 31 years old and mother of three children, burned alive by her ex-partner in Mérignac on May 4, 2021; Sandra Pla, 31, also mother of a little girl of four years old , killed with stab wounds by her ex-spouse in a peaceful and residential area of ​​Bordeaux on July 2, 2021. These two women are among the 88 victims who have lost their lives since the beginning of the year according to the Census of Feminicides by Compagnons or ex, in France, so many indelible bloodstains on our flag.

These numbers freeze our blood as much as these broken lives break our hearts. And this, especially since the inspection mission carried out by the Ministry of Justice and the Ministry of the Interior following the feminicide of Chahinez Daoud points to “a series of failures that can be blamed on various actors in communication and coordination between services ”. How to resolve it? Remember that 250,000 other women continue to suffer each year, in the shadows, physical or sexual violence committed by their spouse or ex-spouse. This is more than 400,000 police and gendarmerie interventions for domestic violence, or 45 interventions per hour.

We support the proposal to create a specialized justice system in France against violence against women

We, committed citizens, association leaders, professionals and politicians, are mobilizing with all our strength to reduce the number of feminicides in our territories. But our efforts cannot bear fruit without a justice that has the necessary means to prevent and fight effectively against this violence.

While the commitments made by the Government on September 3 regarding 6 new measures to strengthen the protection of victims and the monitoring of perpetrators of domestic violence at national and local levels are welcome, we call for human and material resources to support these commitments.

Thus, we support the proposal made by associations to create in France, as in Spain since the early 2000s, a specialized justice system against violence against women – through an approach that is at the same time social, judicial and police. We also recall the requests made, in particular, by the National Conference of Public Prosecutors, so that additional resources are deployed for the police and justice services which intervene 24 hours a day, 7 days a week in these situations. . These measures will allow the greatest deployment of “Grave Danger” telephones, anti-reconciliation bracelets or even protection orders. In Spain, the results are undeniable, with a 25% drop in feminicides since 2004.

We solemnly call on the President of the Republic and the Keeper of the Seals to act and consider our request favorably, in accordance with the ambitions of the Grenelle of domestic violence of 2019 and in line with the “Great cause of the five-year term” promised. Such advances are within our grasp. And we, local authorities, are fully mobilized to fight against feminicides – provided we have the appropriate tools and resources.

Equality between women and men, the basis of our republican pact, is at this price. The protection of women citizens and their children, a sine qua non of all life in society, is also essential. Let us prove ourselves worthy of the lives taken, and worthy of those that can – and must – be saved. “

The petitioners :

Alain ROUSSET, President of the Regional Council of Nouvelle-Aquitaine
Alain ANZIANI, President of Bordeaux Métropole
Jean-Luc GLEYZE, President of the Gironde Departmental Council
Pierre HURMIC, Mayor of Bordeaux
Caroline LAVEISSIERE, vice-president of the Bordeaux Bar
Naima CHARAÏ, former regional council in charge of women’s rights and the fight against discrimination and last president of Acsé
Brigitte TANDONNET and Amélia GUSTAVE, CACIS co-presidents
Annie CARRETTO and Myrtille BONDU, co-presidents for Planning Familial Gironde

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