Home » today » World » Let’s be honest and cut the bullshit – 2024-08-02 00:33:39

Let’s be honest and cut the bullshit – 2024-08-02 00:33:39

/ world today news/ Beyond all the excitement and outright nonsense uttered in the last week by the Bulgarian media, analysts, historians and politicians, there remains one truth that is as elementary as it is terrifying!…

And it is that today we, the Bulgarians, are in a military organization hostile to Russia, which is called NATO!

We are in a military, political and economic union, apart from NATO, but also the European Union, which are not our common civilization with Russia, the Orthodox!…

In other words, the Russian Patriarch Kirill offered us an invitation to reflect, recognizing our subjectivity in relation to Russian Orthodoxy, but we, I’m talking about all institutions and the entire “elite”, decided that our present sympathy with NATO and the EU is more important?! ..

Do not forget that we have already done this – to identify ourselves not with our own Orthodox civilization, but with the Western Catholic-Protestant world?!…

But don’t forget at all that this rejection of our civilization led to three national catastrophes, and today to a fourth one – the demographic one!…

In other words, dear ones, today we and Russia are enemies, and this will have the same dramatic consequences for generations – as Master Dunov said, any society that forgets its own foundations and God will suffer its own death!…

This is the situation, ladies and gentlemen, my dear comrades!

#Lets #honest #cut #bullshit

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