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Let us choose life, choose the future, Papa! – Vatican News

Pope Francis’ Twitter messages – Dubai Conference on Climate Change COP28 (COP28)

Joey Kariveli, Vatican City

The Pope calls us to listen to the cries of the poor and to be attentive to the hopes of the youth and the dreams of the children.

Pope Francis made this call on Saturday (02/12/23) in a Twitter message linked to the hashtag COP28 (#COP28) on Saturday (02/12/23) on the occasion of the COP28 conference to be held from November 30 to December 12 in Dubai under the auspices of the United Nations.

The Pope’s Twitter message in question, excerpted from his speech he was to deliver in person at the Dubai conference, reads as follows:

“We can choose life, we can choose the future! Let’s hear the cry of the earth, let’s hear the cry of the self, let’s listen to the hopes of the youth and the dreams of the children! We have a huge responsibility to ensure that their future is not denied.#COP28”

The Pope also tweeted another message on Saturday with the hashtag COP28 (#COP28) in connection with the COP28 conference. It goes like this:

“Now is the time of urgency. Today more than ever, everyone’s future depends on the present we choose now. #COP28”

With more than 5.35 million Twitter followers in various languages, Papa’s Twitter messages are available in 9 languages, including Standard, Arabic, Latin, German, Italian, English, Spanish, Polish, Portuguese, French.

Tweet n. 2  – ore 11:35

EN: Let’s choose life, let’s choose the future! Let us listen to the groaning of the earth, let us listen to the cries of the poor, let us listen to the hopes of young people and the dreams of children! We have a great responsibility: to ensure that their future is not denied. #COP28

EN: Let us choose life! Let us choose the future! May we be attentive to the cry of the earth, may we hear the plea of the poor, may we be sensitive to the hopes of the young and the dreams of children! We have a grave responsibility: to ensure that they not be denied their future.

EN: The time is urgent. Now more than ever, everyone’s future depends on the present we choose. #COP28

EN: Time is short.  Now more than ever, the future of us all depends on the present that we now choose.  #COP28

#choose #life #choose #future #Papa #Vatican #News
2023-12-02 19:22:24

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