Home » today » Entertainment » Leszek Benke is dead. The actor known from TVP died in his forester’s lodge

Leszek Benke is dead. The actor known from TVP died in his forester’s lodge

Benke was born in 1952 in Kopydłów. He graduated from the Acting Department of the State Higher School of Theater in Krakow. After graduation, he began performing in theaters in Łódź. He was passionate about monodrama – as Radio Ziemia Wieluńskiej reminds us, for “Konopielka” according to Edward Redliński he was awarded several times at theater festivals

However, he gained the greatest popularity thanks to his appearances in the program “Spotaniem z Balladą” broadcast on TVP2 in the years 1972-1990 and 1993-2006. Benke played the commander of the Kopydłów Volunteer Fire Department. Over the years, actors such as Jerzy Stuhr, Mieczysław Grąbka, Jan Nowicki, Bohdan Smoleń, Teresa Budzisz-Krzyżanowska, Bogusław Linda, Ewa Kolasińska, Janusz Rewiński, Tomasz Kot and Anna Dymna have appeared in the “Meeting …”.

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