Starting this month, there will be less money for those who feed electricity into the grid with their own solar system on their home. The feed-in tariffs will be reduced for photovoltaic systems on roofs and facades that go into operation from August 1st.
According to the Federal Network Agency, this state-set price for systems with an installed capacity of up to 10 kilowatts is now 8.03 cents per kilowatt hour, previously it was 8.11 cents. This applies to operators who use part of the electricity themselves and feed the rest into the grid. If the electricity is fed into the grid in full, the price will fall from 12.87 cents to 12.73 cents in the future.
However, Carsten Körnig, managing director of the German Solar Industry Association (BSW), assumes that this change will not have a negative impact on demand for solar systems. A more important factor than the level of funding from the Renewable Energy Sources Act (EEG) is the level of savings from purchasing electricity from the energy supplier. Producing your own electricity is significantly cheaper, says Körnig. The cost of producing your own electricity would be only a third to a maximum of half of the usual tariff costs.
When asked, a spokesperson for the Federal Ministry of Economics explained that the amount of funding provided by the EEG is falling because it is adjusted to the purchase costs of the solar systems. Körnig confirmed that prices have fallen noticeably in recent months.
Solar power remains attractive
In addition to the savings in electricity costs or self-sufficiency, subsidies and lower acquisition costs, there is another factor that makes solar systems attractive. According to Körner, solar power storage and photovoltaic systems are exempt from sales tax. There are also low-interest loans for financing.
According to figures from the BSW, the newly installed photovoltaic capacity doubled from 2022 to 2023. Since 2016, the capacity has even increased tenfold.