Dear readers,
Would you like to read what moves Lüneburg? Do you always want to be up to date and know more than others? Then our LZ + subscription is just right for you.
“Digital first” is our motto. We can only deliver exciting news on paper the following day, as the newspaper goes to press around midnight. In contrast, our digital channels offer the opportunity to react and inform immediately.
You don’t have the LZ on a subscription? For 99 cents you can test LZ + at for a month – articles with a high topicality, reports, multimedia projects, news tickers, live streams and much more can be seen, read and heard here. After that, the subscription costs 8.45 euros per month – without a minimum term and with the option of canceling monthly and online.
With LZ + we offer you local and independent quality journalism about your home country practically at any time. We look forward to seeing you there.