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Les Grands Chênes Cultural Center Sees Increase in Attendance and Offers a Wide Range of Activities for Children and Adults

This Friday, May 26, will take place the 43rd general assembly of the Grands Chênes. Was 2022 a good year for the Thionville association?

Astride POESY , director of the Les Grands Chênes center: “An excellent year since we are reconnecting with pre-Covid attendance. We have 756 members including 582 children. There is therefore a significant increase in the structure’s workforce, especially at lunchtime. Our annual peak is 255 children compared to 200 in 2020. More than twenty employees take turns. »

Momtez Sridi, President since 2021: “The new housing estates of Veymerange and Elange are no strangers to this increase, and the enthusiasm is confirmed both among children and adults. »

In addition to extracurricular, what do you offer?

“Our activities such as dance, English and music are very successful. Among adults, Pilates is a hit, but so are yoga and zumba. What is very popular are the parent-child meetings. »

What will be the next events of the cultural center?

Astride POESY : “We will organize a garage sale and the astro exchange on June 17. There will also be our barbecue on June 30th. As for our open doors, they are scheduled for September 9th. And for the first time, we will organize a craft market just before Christmas as we did at Easter. »

Momtez SRIDI “There will also be leisure centers that bring together fifty children during the holidays, that really meets a need. »

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