What Quentin Tarantino he is an expert of bloody scenes no one is surprised. You only need to take a look at his filmography to confirm it: Kill Bill, Damn bastards… What may come as a surprise is that one of his most recent films includes the 100% real blood of a famous actor the Hollywood: Leonardo DiCaprio shed blood for Django Unchained. He may have an Oscar and a Razzie, but of course Leonardo DiCaprio’s commitment to the seventh art cannot be doubted.
The scene of his accident, in the film
Tarantino dared for the first time with the western in django unchained. Starring Jamie Foxx as a black man freed from the chains of slavery, a starring role for which the name of Will Smiththe film had an ensemble cast in which stand out Christoph Waltz, Samuel L. Jackson, Kerry Washington y Leonardo DiCaprio.
The protagonist of Titanic se mete in the skin of the great villain of django unchainedhe slaver calvin candie. It is a ruthless and infamous character very well interpreted by DiCaprio, of whom it could be said that it went from intense during filming. Because? The actor he cut his hand in the middle of recording a scene and, far from stopping at that moment, he stayed on paper.
Quentin Tarantino with the cast of Django Unchained GTRES/Alexandre Meneghini/AP Photo
This is how producer Stacey Sher told Variety: “Leo had hit the table with his hand countless times and moved his hand further and crushed a glass crystal cordial.” Although not out of character, the accident was serious enough to require stitches.
Leonardo DiCaprio laughed it off
Leonardo DiCaprio recalled this curious (and bloody) filming anecdote during an interview with ABC News in which they were also present Jamie Foxx y Quentin Tarantino. “That was the fun part, seeing his reactionhonestly,” said DiCaprio, who also mimicked the faces Foxx and Tarantino made at the time.
django unchained received multiple Oscar nominations: Best Film, Supporting Actor, Cinematography, Original Screenplay and Sound Editing. None of them for Leonardo DiCaprio, no matter how much blood he spilled in his filming. They did, however, nominate him for his next film with Quentin Tarantino, once upon a time in hollywood, in which Brad Pitt also appeared. Brad took it and Leo didn’t, but he can always boast of the Oscar he won for his great performance in The Revenant.
2023-05-22 03:56:00
#Leonardo #DiCaprio #literally #bled #Django #Unchained