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Leon Strong: Partial solar eclipse and other celestial signs

On Thursday, June 10, A partial solar eclipse could be observed in Latvia – it was also managed to perpetuate it by “Delfi Eyewitness” report author Leon Stiprajs.

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The portal “Campus” already reported that in Riga it started at 12.54, the maximum phase was at 14.02, when almost a third of the solar disk was covered. The eclipse ended at 15.09. We won’t have to wait too long until the next one – in Latvia we will be able to observe a partial solar eclipse on October 25, 2022, when the Moon will cover almost half of the solar disk. Full solar eclipses are a very rare phenomenon in a specific geographical area, and those who want to experience something like this mostly travel specifically to places where the eclipse will be observed. In Latvia, the Moon was last completely obscured by the Sun in 1954, but the next complete solar eclipse will be observed here only in 2142.

“With us, I started to observe the partial eclipse of the Sun at 12.42 and finished watching at 15.

To keep the viewer bored, I use different light filters. Colors could only be displayed during the presence of clouds. Why? To explain high school physics outstanding.

Eclipses of the Sun were already written on clay tablets in Ancient Babylon, while an even older pattern was found in Ireland, engraved around 3340 BC (BC). Even then, there was a civilization or priests who followed. According to the description of the solar eclipse, the reign of Pharaoh Ramses II’s son is determined.

Ancient India already knew the cause of the solar eclipse. It is described in 498 BC.

In ancient Rome, on the other hand, an instrument already existed that determined the solar eclipse (60 BC).

Leon Strong: Partial solar eclipse and other celestial signs
Photo: Delfi Eyewitness / Leon Strong

The ancient Mayans believed that the winged snake wanted to swallow the sun, while the ancient Latvians blamed it on a wolf driven by the Thunder.

Crosses and swords were also bad signs in the sky. There are people who believe in such signs even today. For example, when photographing storks, I notice a row of UFOs in the sky. The explanation is the artificial satellites of the earth or the light artifacts of the lens.

Leon Strong: Partial solar eclipse and other celestial signs
Photo: Delfi Eyewitness / Leon Strong

The Aztecs of ancient civilization, the Chinese and also the Greeks, considered it a threat to kings and emperors. Usually a double was prepared, who sat on the throne for some time. When the danger was over, the double faced the death penalty. Today, even an elementary school student will learn to explain the cause of the solar eclipse.

Leon Strong: Partial solar eclipse and other celestial signs
Photo: Delfi Eyewitness / Leon Strong

The Covid-19 pandemic is explained to us by doctors, infectologists and epidemiologists. Let’s listen to them and don’t have to crucify or stone anyone.

May faith and victory!

Leons Stiprais,

In Tukums, on June 10, 2021. “

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