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Leo Rizzi, the great discovery of the premiere of I see how you sing

Tonight, Antenna 3 has launched its new bet for prime time on Wednesdays. A new musical contest of worldwide success that they have baptized with the name of I see how you sing. Manel Fuentes is in charge of conducting the format accompanied by El Monaguillo, Ana Milan, Josie and Ruth Lorenzo as advisors to the contestant for each evening. In this case, Rosario has been the special guest.

Natalia, the participant in the premiere, had a very clear objective: to identify the characters who sang well and those who sang badly. But the funny thing is that among the singers was Leo Rizzi, an artist of Ibizan origin who already has almost two million listeners in Spotify. It has gone totally unnoticed …

Leo Rizzi goes unnoticed at the premiere of ‘I see how you sing’


Controversy with the operation

Manel Fuentes has been in charge of explaining to the audience the operation of I see how you sing but first he has welcomed Natalia who has been the first participant in the musical contest. The Catalan has been presented with eight costumed characters who could be good singers or not. Its objective was to identify through tests, playbacks and clues who the real artists were.

The Altar boy, Ana Milan, Josie and Ruth Lorenzo are the permanent advisers of 'I see how you sing'

The Altar boy, Ana Milan, Josie and Ruth Lorenzo are the permanent advisers of ‘I see how you sing’


8 rounds. Each hit added 3,000 euros to the scoreboard. A decisive final decision to double the amount. An operation that has raised controversy on social networks since some viewers have not understood what the contest consisted of …

Leo Rizzi goes unnoticed

As I mentioned, Natalia’s goal was to guess the characters that had a good voice and discard those who couldn’t sing. In the case of Leo Rizzi, under the garb of a sculptor, he has not gained the trust of either the participant or the advisors throughout the evening and they have finally decided to discard him during the first rounds of the format. What no one knew is who was hiding under the sculptor’s outfit …

Leo Rizzi is a singer born in Ibiza although he spent much of his childhood in Uruguay where he moved with his family to start a new life. At 15 he returned to Spain and began recording his first songs. It currently has almost two million monthly listeners in Spotify and more than 800,000 followers in Tik Tok thanks to his musical talent.

Leo Rizzi leaves Natalia and the advisors of 'I see how you sing' speechless

Leo Rizzi leaves Natalia and the advisors of ‘I see how you sing’ speechless


Within a few minutes of seeing Leo Rizzi on the screen, there are many users of Twitter who have recognized him and have been surprised that none of the attendees on the set knew him. Although some of the advisers might think that he sang well, it seems that none of them knew Leo Rizzi’s name despite being one of the new talents of the moment.

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Even Internet users pointed out that this Friday he is releasing a new single in collaboration with Eva B, former contestant of Triumph operation. Anyway, Leo has been one of the great sensations of the premiere of I see how you sing.

Natalia takes 30,000 euros

Although Natalia has not been fine identifying Leo Rizzi, she has had an unbeatable ending at the premiere of I see how you sing. And it is that the Catalan contestant has managed to reach the final round with 15,000 euros that could be doubled in the event that the last character she had selected sang well.

The fisherman, the character selected by the participant, has turned out to be a renowned flamenco singer …

Another surprise for the advisors and for the spectators of I see how you sing but also for the contestant who could not contain her tears when she realized that she was right. In this way, the 15,000 euros that he had accumulated have doubled and he has ended up carrying 30,000 euros in his pocket.

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Natalia, the first contestant of 'I see how you sing', wins a prize of 30,000 euros

Natalia, the first contestant of ‘I see how you sing’, wins a prize of 30,000 euros


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