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Lent 2021 in Cádiz The processional music sounds again

The processional marches sound again. In a year without Easter, the bands will unmute after months with the instruments kept in their cases and the brotherhood music will be able to take on a new life. The Junta de Andalucía has attended to these musical groups that since last October lived in a regulatory limbo that kept them without rehearsals and without activity. “Although this year the traditional Holy Week processions will not be held due to their obvious implication in the risk of transmission of COVID-19, there are other liturgical or internal acts of the brotherhoods that are accompanied by the music provided by these bands, so it is considered necessary to establish the measures to be applied in this case ”, the regional administration has recognized in the latest decree that has already been published in BOJA and that allows the formations to return to activity.

In the case of Cádiz capital, which is currently at level 3 alert for the coronavirus, it is established that “rehearsals and concerts of music bands may take place”, although meeting a series of characteristics. First, it forces the formations to do the rehearsals “in the open air away from the traffic of people, maintaining a distance of at least two meters between the members of the band” and with a maximum of 50 members; something that will force you to take shifts or an extraordinary rehearsal program, taking into account that many of the Cadiz formations far exceed this fifty members.

The Board does allow rehearsals inside rooms, as long as it is for percussion instruments (up to a maximum of fifteen people and the room is spacious and well ventilated), or for a maximum of six components in the case of wind instruments (provided that a distance of at least two meters is maintained between each component, “soaps are used to expel the saliva accumulated in the instrument and the outlet hood of the wind instrument is protected” and the room has “adequate natural ventilation and permanent ”.

For concerts, the recently published standard establishes the preference to be held outdoors “respecting the established number of band members for rehearsals” (that is, a maximum of 50 members. In addition, it requires establishing a minimum distance of four meters between the band members and the audience, in addition to the two meters previously defined between the components of the band. “The public capacity will be adjusted to what is established for public shows”, also establishes the Boja.

And in the exceptional case that the actions could be carried out in closed premises, “these must be of great amplitude and adequate and permanent natural ventilation during the same” being mandatory “the use of soaps to expel accumulated saliva, protection of the hood of the wind instruments as well as maintaining a distance of at least two meters between the members of the band and of at least five meters between them and the attending public ”, whose capacity will be adjusted to what is established for any public show.

Level 2 alert

When the city goes to alert level 2, expected to be next week, Bands will be able to expand the number of members in rehearsals and outdoor performances until they are 80 (thirty more musicians), although the maximum number of fifty would remain in concerts in closed venues, whose regulations and indications do not vary between level 3 and 2.

This incorporation specifically aimed at the Easter bands in the regulations related to the Covid allows, in the middle of Lent, to dream of the recovery of processional music in acts or concerts. There is now the question of whether the guidelines arrive in time to enjoy the Easter marches in the final stretch of this Lenten season, or from Palm Sunday; or if, on the contrary, the measures arrive late or are insufficient for the guarantees required by these training courses.

A record of the trials

Beyond the regulations that will regulate rehearsals and performances by music bands, the Junta de Andalucía has also made public a series of indications that serve as decalogues for the safe operation of these rehearsals. Some tests that must also have a record sheet of the members who attend each day, to control possible positive cases or outbreaks within the training.

In addition, the Boja reminds that the wind instruments “should not be shared among the different members, being for exclusive use”; that percussion instruments, music stands and other accessories that are shared among members “must be cleaned and disinfected among different users on those surfaces that may be capable of being manipulated manually”; that musicians have to wear masks (at least hygienic ones) “except during the exclusive time of use of the wind instruments”, always maintaining the safety distance; that the use of hood covers is recommended for wind instruments; that the premises of the bands that must be accessed for the storage of the instruments “must comply with the general rules of ventilation, flow of people, cleaning and disinfection, use of toilets and other premises”; or that it is advisable not to use the changing rooms of the rehearsal or concert venues.

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