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Lena Raidel again on the U17 EM Norm: Upper Austria Junior Cup – Bundesliga – International Online Women Grand Prix

Upper Austrian Junior Cup – Lena Raidel on U17 European Championship standard hunt
The OÖGV Junior Cup will be the first competition (except Bundesliga) that will take place after the Look Down. The venue will be the Sportpark Linz – Auwiesen next Saturday, May 22nd, 2021 at 1 p.m. There will be around 20-25 young weightlifters from the Upper Austria associations and from the school project in Tulln. Also there is the 16-year-old SSM student from Straßwalchen Lena Raidel from Union Lochen, who will again go on the U17 European Championship standard hunt of 160 kg in a duel in the class up to 64 kg. Jonas Klinger and Luca Modrey (both SK Vöest Linz) have set new records as their goal. From Union Lochen, Lena Raidel, Sophie Picker, Jessica Stauceanu, Juliane & Helena Maderegger, Barbara & Anna Voggenberger, Felix Krangler and Jonas & Tobias Leikermoser will be at the start.

OÖGV President Gottfried Langthaler: “Of course, our youngsters cannot be optimally prepared for a competition, but we see the start as a determination of their position and reintegration into the competition. From the school project in Tulln, 4 – 5 beginners will start out of competition Discarded result planned, so the start can also be seen as joint training under competitive conditions. The social contacts of the students are not unimportant and probably motivating “.

Upper Austria derby in the Bundesliga
In the 3rd round of the weightlifting Bundesliga, the Upper Austria derby between SK Vöest Linz and WKG Ranshofen / Vöcklabruck will take place on Saturday, May 22nd at 6 p.m. in the Linz-Auwiesen sports park. The favorite is clearly the SK Vöest Linz. Whether Sargis Martirosjan (bursitis in the elbow) can take part is still questionable at the moment.

Team SK Vöest Linz: Victoria Hahn, Amagiak Misakian, Florian Hofwimmer, Alireza Shahabi, Manuel Modrey and with question marks Sargis Martirosjan.

Kader WKG Ranshofen / Vöcklabruck: Patrick Dürnberger, Phillip Boresch, Stefan Spindler, Jürgen Grubmüller, Maximilian Moldaschl, Diana Ciprian, Claudia Krepper and Thomas Sauerlachner.

Internationaler Online Women Grand Prix am 21./22. May
At the International Online Women Weightlifting Grand Prix on 21./22. May, in which 24 nations will take part, nine athletes from Union Lochen will also be there. The best chances are given to Christiane Schröcker in the master class 2 (40 – 44 years) and Lena Raidel in the U-17 rating. Also from the Union Lochen at the start: Juliane & Helena Maderegger, Barbara Voggenberger, Jessica Stauceanu, Sophie Picker, Marie-Sophie Holzinger and Petra Schmutzer.

Sargis Martirosjan with an elbow injury
At the South American Championships & Open Olympia Quali in Cali – Colombia, Sargis Martirosjan (SK Vöest Linz) started on Friday, May 14th at 10 a.m. in the class up to 109 kg. The two million city of Cali in the southwest of the country is currently considered a hot spot. In Colombia there are currently civil war-like conditions due to a tax reform. The situation is extremely dangerous, especially in Cali. Sargis Martirosjan says there are police everywhere on the way from the hotel to the sports hall and there is a curfew from 6 p.m.! The situation for a possible Olympic qualification for the 34-year-old has suddenly changed due to the changes (the four best results in the qualification phase are used) due to the Covid pandemic, Sargis says: “After my good results at the beginning of the Olympia Quali am 99% of the time “.

On the other hand, OÖGV – President and Coach Gottfried Langthaler stacks deeply: “Let’s say 80 – 90%, we have to wait for the U20 World Cup in Tashkent / UZB, because because of the Corona-related cancellation of the U20 World Cup 2020, all 2000 years will have their last Olympics Quali. In this field Austria`s most successful weightlifter Sarah Fischer from ACU Krems “.

When tearing he started with a valid lift at 170 kg, for the second attempt he increased to 174 kg, again a valid attempt. Sargis could no longer make the 177 kg in the third attempt valid. With 174 kg Sargis Martirosjan secured the silver medal in the snatch. What we couldn’t see in the live stream was that Sargi’s elbow was already swollen.

The “AUS” came in the push. What happened, after the tearing, the elbow was swollen so much, we tried warming up to 120 kg, but the pain was too great. We had to start the competition with 190 kg, so coach Langthaler also suspects: “A bad bursitis that started during the night. Very painful”.

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