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Lena Borislavova: The Prime Minister and Koveshi heard each other after Borissov’s arrest

Petkov’s chief of staff announced that she knew about the detention of the GERB leader hours earlier

The Prime Minister Kiril Petkov and the European Chief Prosecutor Laura Koveshi heard each other after the arrest of the former Prime Minister and leader of GERB Boyko Borissov. This was announced by the head of Petkov’s cabinet Lena Borislavova interview for Nova TV. However, she said they did not talk about the detention at all because they had no right to discuss specific cases. Koveshi and Petkov discussed writing a bill to make a special administration for delegated EU prosecutors different from that of the Supreme Cassation Prosecutor’s Office.

Borislavova’s explanations were about the involvement of Laura Koveshi’s name in the case of the detention of Borissov, Goranov and Arnaudova by the prime minister and the claims of GERB leader Menko Menkov’s lawyer that this could not go unnoticed. “Ms. Koveshi has made it clear that she gives full freedom to her investigating prosecutors to do what is within their competence. The topic of her talks with Petkov was that she sees a determination in the face of the government and the prime minister.” to act without spreading political umbrellas “. said the chief of staff. And immediately afterwards, he revealed that the Prime Minister had talked to Koveshi after the action on Thursday night.

When asked directly when she found out about Borisov’s arrest, Borislavova said that she learned about 6 pm, ie. two hours before the start of the police operation in the house in Bankya and three hours before the actual detention of the former prime minister. She explained that she learned before the arrest, because there was no way the services could not inform the Prime Minister about such a thing before it happened, and she was in the building of the Council of Ministers and so she found out.

“In the last 72 hours, something happened that no one believed could be reached – pre-trial proceedings have been instituted,” said Lena Borislavova, commenting on the detention of Boyko Borisov, Vladislav Goranov and Sevdelina Arnaudova. Borislavova stressed that the government is not afraid of a no-confidence vote.

“Let’s see if the Prosecutor’s Office will finally take on the role of public prosecutor, defending the interests of Bulgarian citizens, and not certain political figures,” Borislavova added. He described as “sabotage” the fact that for a long time the state prosecution had refused to initiate the pre-trial proceedings in question.

The head of the cabinet stressed that there was nothing wrong with Prime Minister Petkov being questioned by investigators in his cabinet. She stressed that she herself did not attend the testimony.

“If what was spread by Vasil Bozhkov on social networks is true – that he was questioned by the European Prosecutor’s Office, and it determines whether it has jurisdiction over this case, my expectation is that if they have such a connection, we can see real action against the organized criminal group operating in Bulgaria and damaging the budget. There is no way to confirm this information. I can’t know her. The only thing I rely on is the data provided by the various participants in this investigation, “Borislavova added.

Asked if we were breaking with Gazprom, she said that entering into negotiations with Russia to buy gas and renew the contract was practically impossible. “This contract expires at the end of the year. What the cabinet is doing is finally working effectively to end Russia’s dependence on gas supplies. This dependence is very high. But even now there are physical capacities and the possibility to supply gas that is not from Gazprom to the Bulgarian gas transmission network – through Turkey and Greece, “Borislavova stressed.


The Deputy Prime Minister and leader of the BSP Cornelia Ninova announced to bTV that she had learned from the media about the actions of the Ministry of Interior towards Boyko Borissov and those close to him. “I don’t think it’s right,” she said, adding that she had not been notified in advance. He stressed that the right approach was to discuss the action before it was carried out, or at least to be informed in order to be ready to react. “But I also understand my colleagues that they tried to keep the actions in a smaller circle of people so that information would not leak,” Ninova added.

She stressed that she considers the battle between the Ministry of Interior and the Prosecutor’s Office to be harmful. “As long as the Ministry of the Interior and the Prosecutor’s Office measure what evidence they have collected or not, there will be no justice. Therefore, I believe that the Prosecutor’s Office should intervene more decisively,” the social leader said. According to her, this includes the state prosecution to initiate pre-trial proceedings, conduct the process of gathering evidence and clarify whether or not there is a crime. “This beating of the ball, transfer of responsibility and accusation only to the Ministry of Interior will not lead to the result that thousands of people protested in the squares,” Ninova said.

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