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Lelde and Aivis Ceriņs Announce Divorce: A Look Back at Their Love Story

Lelde and Aivis Ceriņi. Photo: Instagram @leldecerina

“I promise to be a good husband to you, who will make sure that there is always spring in our relationship. So that everything flourishes, blooms, and we are happy. I choose you. I will respect and cherish you,” Aivis Ceriņš announced in a romantic video on the wedding day, holding Lelde’s hand. The couple shared it on social networks, according to the magazine “Privatā Dzīve”.

Lelde revealed to the wedding guests that she met Aivi seven years before the wedding – in the winter. The first date of both took place in Žagarkalna. Lelda was seduced by Aivja’s “draugiem.lv” invitation to go feed the ducks together, the publication writes.

“Even then I felt a special tingling in my chest. The whole first date you were so caring and attentive and tried to touch my bottom every now and then. You thought it was inconspicuous, but it wasn’t. Seven years have passed since that day. The happiest years of my life,” admitted Lelde on the wedding day.

Although there were rumors that Aivis was caught sidestepping, Lelde publicly announced at the time that she believed her husband. “Since the moment I decided to do public work, I have heard various miracles and provocations that someone has said or interpreted in their own way, so this one is not surprising,” Lelde said at the time. On the other hand, Aivis called the accusations sent in his direction a “vortex of lies”. “Empty judgments and sick fantasies,” Aivis said at the time.

Now – since the announcement of the divorce – he has not made any activity on social networks. There are people who say that he was seen in a night club in the mind of a gentleman, and not alone. Others say that he left the country, reports “Privatā Dzīve”.

“I already feel that love is a subtle mutual use. Many people don’t like the word “exploitation”, but don’t stress that one word. The words “subtle” and “reciprocal” are equally important. May you be well, and I be well,” said Aivis Ceriņš in an interview for “Santa” magazine shortly before the marriage. He did not hide that he comes from a stable family and his parents are still together.

In contrast, Lelde’s parents divorced when she was three years old. “I have wonderful parents, but if I look back at my childhood, there is no such idyllic family model. I was brought up by my mother and aunt, my mother was the only earner and therefore worked a lot, and was at home very late at night. After breaking up with her father, a man who was addicted to alcohol entered her mother’s life. In that way, I could rather say that I know what I don’t want,” said Lelde in an interview for “Ieva” magazine.

“The lessons have been received. Much heavier than I would have liked, but summing up the year, there is a lot to be thankful for. Beaks up, let’s march on!” journalist Lelde Ceriņa wrote on the “Instagram” website. As is known, her husband, event manager Aivis Ceriņš, has announced the breakup of the marriage, admitting his fault.

Her post received many reactions and inspiring comments from her followers, including well-known women in Latvia, who not only wish Lelda a happy new year, but also try to cheer her up. For example, actress Agnese Zeltiņa commented: Dear Lelde! We all receive lessons throughout life. You will be happy! Warm, shine, shine and let the TOP be the new.”

In another “Instagram” post, Lelde Ceriņa writes: “As a reminder – You are much stronger, braver and more powerful than you think!” Even if you don’t feel like it at the moment.”

“A new year often comes as a clean canvas – you want to draw only bright lines on it, so Lelde and I want to share painful news with you in the old one. We have divorced and from now on we will go our separate ways,” said the Facebook post.

“I have acted like a cretin in the long run and broken the promises I made in my marriage. I myself am sorry from the bottom of my heart that I lost such a unique woman and the mother of my children. Loving our children, we will maintain respectful and friendly relations in the future. Please respect this decision and do not interfere at this difficult stage of life,” wrote Aivis Ceriņš on Facebook at the end of that year.

“Rīga TV24” air personalities Aivis and Lelde Ceriņi said yes to each other in May 2018. The family has two children – daughter Adele and son Francis.

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2024-01-11 10:36:44

#spring #relationship #Aivis #Ceriņš #promised #Lelda #wedding

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