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Leisure time and family can hardly be planned: more and more police officers want to leave Berlin – Berlin

Capital of the demonstrations, hotspot for criminals and worse working conditions than elsewhere: more and more Berlin police officers want to move to another state or to the federal police and leave the Berlin authorities. In the past decade, around 60 to 100 civil servants had applied for a transfer each year. According to the police union (GdP) there are currently 175 applications.

They submitted 150 civil servants, some made duplicate applications to increase their chances. 40 civil servants alone prefer to do their job in the quieter Brandenburg, followed by Saxony (19), Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania and the Federal Police (17 each). A Berlin police officer wants to go to Rhineland-Palatinate, but nobody wants to go to Saarland. The GdP is sounding the alarm and calling on state politicians to improve working conditions on a sustainable basis.

“There are various reasons why someone might want to leave the capital. This can also be related to the desire for a private change, but according to our experience from various conversations, it has to do with the working conditions, ”said GdP state chief Norbert Cioma. “In theory, the Berlin police are certified as a family-friendly employer; In practice, however, it is hardly possible to reconcile family, care and work due to nostalgic working time models, a lack of appreciation and the ever-increasing workload. “

However, police officers cannot simply switch to another state or to the federal government. You need a swap partner, who the officers have to name themselves, or the police coordination office will find one. A ring exchange is also possible. Otherwise, an exchange is only possible if the civil servant is classified as a case of social hardship. According to the internal administration, this is the case “if sudden and unforeseeable serious events occur” that “make the service in Berlin unreasonable or almost impossible”. It is about strokes of fate in families. A new love or the change of job of a life partner to another federal state are not considered as hardship.

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A change is also possible if the civil servant in the other federal state gets a higher-quality position, for example: Oliver Stepien was Vice-Head of the Berlin State Criminal Police Office and became Police President in Brandenburg in 2020. In addition, the five applications that have been lying around the longest without success are always confirmed.

The GdP sees “clear room for improvement” because of the increase in officials willing to change the working conditions in the Berlin police. Examples are a pay at federal level, more flexible working time models and a higher attractiveness of the employer. “We will not be able to stop everyone from doing this, but we are convinced that the implementation of the building blocks we have mentioned would certainly lower the numbers,” said Cioma.

In the legislative period that is coming to an end, “a lot has happened, but not enough,” said Cioma. “We don’t like to give up anyone, but the result is that many colleagues prefer to quit and give up pension claims, which nobody can blame them for.” Tom Schreiber, interior expert for the SPD parliamentary group in the House of Representatives, said the exchange process had proven impractical . It could take years before a change is possible. “The increasing number of civil servants who want to leave Berlin shows that the urge is growing,” says Schreiber. There are reasons for that. As an example he cited the hundreds and the growing number of demonstrations. It is about more and more overtime and overload, there are hardly any planning phases for leisure and family.

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