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Leipzig: Saxon cinemas reopen despite uncertain prospects – “missed the strongest months”

After a forced break of almost ten weeks, the cinemas in Saxony are allowed to open again. The rules are strict and the perspective uncertain.

As of today, Friday, cinemas in Saxony are allowed to open again – but only under 2G plus conditions. © Fabian Sommer/dpa

“But if we’re unlucky, the incidence will be too high in 14 days and then it’s over for us again,” said Petra Klemann, managing director of the Passage cinemas in Leipzig. If the incidence value rises too high and the hospitals are overloaded, the cinemas, among other things, have to close again.

“The overload level hangs like the sword of Damocles over the Saxon cinemas,” said Christian Bräuer from the AG Kino industry association. However, the houses are dependent on being able to plan in order to be able to put together the program and control advertising.

“Nevertheless, we open to show that we’re still here and going on,” said Klemann.

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The same can be heard from the large multiplex chains. While the Passage cinemas want to wait at least until January 20th, Cinestar Leipzig and Cineplex Dresden are already starting again this Friday.

“Unfortunately, we missed the strongest months,” said Markus Kühlmorgen, general manager of the Cineplex in Dresden.

According to AG Kino, winter is actually the main season and the time when own shares for investments are generated. However, the situation is not yet existential. “The current aid programs are keeping many small cinemas afloat like water wings,” said Bräuer.

However, if no adequate follow-up programs were created, there could be a wave of insolvencies.

Anyone who wants to eat popcorn in the cinema should be freshly vaccinated or recovered, boosted or tested negative.

Anyone who wants to eat popcorn in the cinema should be freshly vaccinated or recovered, boosted or tested negative. © Robert Michael/dpa-Zentralbild/dpa

The cinemas see problems in the 2G plus rule, which must now be followed for access to the hall. Among them, even those who have been vaccinated and those who have recovered must present a negative corona test. Exceptions are those who have been boosted and people with a relatively recent second vaccination.

“We have seen in other federal states with this rule that the number of visitors has fallen by between 70 and 80 percent,” reported Klemann. It is an additional hurdle that puts many people off, added Kühlmorgen.

Rainer Weber, head of the Leipzig Cinestar, sees the situation less critically: “More and more can be boosted and there are many test options, so the hurdle shouldn’t be that high.”

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As of today, Friday, the cinemas can open as long as the incidence in the respective independent city or district is below 1500 and the overload level does not take effect. This comes into effect when 1,300 beds in normal wards and 420 beds in intensive care wards are occupied by Covid 19 patients for three days in a row.

The cinemas may use a maximum of half their capacity and up to 500 guests; 1000 spectators are possible with a 25 percent occupancy rate.

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