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Leipzig: Millions in aid for Saxony’s airports, but only on one condition

Clay for open airports – but only if there are no bonuses for the board: The federal government wants to support twelve German airports with Corona aid.

Leipzig / Dresden – Clay for open airports – but only if there are no bonuses for the board: The federal government wants to support twelve German airports with corona aid with 200 million euros, including Leipzig/ Hall and Dresden.

Get support in the Corona crisis: Dresden Airport. © DPA / Robert Michael

This emerges from a compromise paper that line ministries and government groups agreed on in Berlin.

For the reimbursement of costs for keeping airports open at the beginning of the corona pandemic.

The prerequisites for the support of the federal government are that the respective states make a subsidy of the same amount, no dividends are distributed for 2020 and no bonuses are paid to managing directors and board members of the operating companies.

The Ministry of Finance did not want to specify how much Saxony contributed to the rescue operation.

The Free State has a stake of more than 77 percent in both airports.

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