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Leipzig is now officially the eighth largest city in Germany

Leipzig continues to be the fastest growing city in Germany. Leipzig moved up one place on the list of the largest German metropolises and has now overtaken Dortmund in terms of population after Essen in 2017. This makes Leipzig officially the eighth largest city in Germany according to the latest published figures from the regional statistical offices.

As of December 31, 2018, 587,857 residents with a primary residence were determined for Leipzig, 587,010 residents for Dortmund, 847 fewer. At the turn of the millennium, Leipzig was still in other spheres, because there were only 493,208 inhabitants. That meant 13th place in Germany. Since then, the Saxon boom town has overtaken Duisburg, Hanover and Bremen due to its growing appeal. However, the pace of immigration has slowed down compared to the years 2011 to 2018, when Leipzig grew by five digits.

Only Germany (3,644,998), Hamburg (1,841,179), Munich (1,471,508), Cologne (1,085,664), Frankfurt am Main (753,056), Stuttgart (634,830) and Düsseldorf ( 619.294). However, these seven cities have a much greater population density – people per square kilometer – than Leipzig, which is not so densely built and has a lot of parks and green spaces.

With an increase of 1 percent in 2018, which corresponds to 5,877 citizens, Leipzig advanced to 41st place among the largest cities in the European Union, ahead of Gothenburg, Dublin, Lyon and Lisbon, among others. For example, Copenhagen, Glasgow, Riga, Wroclaw, Rotterdam or Helsinki are only slightly larger.

If Leipzig continues to grow as it did in 2018, then in autumn 2019 it can be expected that the magic number of 600,000 inhabitants will be reached.

Population development in Leipzig: https://bit.ly/2Zq66gA

List of the largest cities in the European Union: https://bit.ly/1N0zxaf

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