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Lego auction on YouTube: 18,000 euros for Trauerland – news from Bremen

“Bricks for Kids” initiator Michael Reimann holds the record in the camera: The spaceship kit brought in 1000 euros. (Michael Reimann)

Hedda von Zanthier shakes her head in disbelief when the bids arrive every second: 350 euros, 430, 500. Auctioneer Jörn Mense tightly clasps his hands in front of his face. In the end, the rare Lego kit will be auctioned for 1000 euros. Cheers and applause broke out in the live stream. The record bid electrified everyone involved.

We are talking about an online auction on the YouTube video platform. Von Zanthier and Mense, together with Michael Reimann, initiator of the “Bricks for Kids” campaign, raised money for the Bremen association Trauerland by auctioning sets of terminal blocks. “Klemmbausteine” is the collective term for the colorful plastic building blocks that other manufacturers offer alongside the market leader Lego. In the end, there is at least 18,000 euros for land of mourning, 6600 euros through the actual auction, the rest was raised in advance or during the stream through donations.

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“I was impressed. I didn’t expect such a response, ”says Reimann, who belongs to the so-called afol scene. The abbreviation stands for “Adult Fans of Lego”, ie adult Lego fans. He got hold of some rare kits some time ago, but never assembled them.

The decision to support Trauerland with an auction, an association that takes care of grieving children and young people, was made quickly, says Reimann. “That came into my head spontaneously. My colleague Jens-Uwe Krause is an ambassador for Trauerland, and one thing was clear: It should be a Bremen club. ”Krause, radio presenter at Bremen Eins, was briefly connected to the live stream as an ambassador, as were some high-reach terminal block Youtubers who partly also bought kits themselves.

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Yvonne Ritzmann and Silke Boos from Trauerland were also there and talked about their work. “We never, ever expected such a success,” emphasizes Ritzmann. The afol scene was previously unknown to her, and her own Lego days were long over. Reimann explained his plan to them in advance in a personal conversation. “How that has increased is just unbelievable.”

Models donated especially for the campaign were auctioned. The draft horses were two rarities. There was 1000 euros for a set that actually only Lego employees get, but which is also sold on again and again: a Star Wars spaceship in a Christmas version. The other coveted model: the Bell Boeing V-22 Osprey, a vertical take-off aircraft. After the start of delivery, the set was recalled by Lego due to a defective function – but too late, some dealers still sold it, and so it is unofficially in small numbers on the market and extremely popular with the Afols.

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Bremen citizens are also in demand, made of exactly 76 Lego bricks. Reimann designed this set himself, it is not freely available, but serves as an original gift to political guests in parliament. President Frank Imhoff had donated one of them. It went under the hammer for 100 euros. “Trauerland is doing extremely important work. It speaks for the work of the association, for Mr. Reimann and of course for the big heart of all Lego fans that such a large sum was raised at the charity auction, ”said Imhoff to the WESER-KURIER. He is pleased “that the citizenship was able to make a small contribution to this fantastic result with its model.”

According to Ritzmann, the money goes to the maintenance of the children’s groups at Trauerland, above all in costs for the educational support staff. The mainly donation-financed association needs support all year round. Therefore, according to Reimann, the action should be repeated in 2021.

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