Home » today » Technology » Lego and Epic Games will build a metaverse. Where children should be able to laze around in a virtual world.

Lego and Epic Games will build a metaverse. Where children should be able to laze around in a virtual world.

Lego and Epic Games now look to jump on the so-called metaverse through a new venture that the two companies presented together yesterday.

It is about a kind of virtual world that is meant to entertain children in different ways. Lego and Epic Games are sparse with details about how it will all look and work. In the press release, you only write briefly about your “metaverse”:

“The two companies will team up to build an immersive, creatively inspiring and engaging digital experience for kids of all ages to enjoy together.

The family-friendly digital experience will give kids access to tools that will empower them to become confident creators and deliver amazing play opportunities in a safe and positive space. “

What Lego and Epic’s metaverse bet will be called or when it will be launched, there is so far no information about.

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