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LEGISLATIVE: “We are going to demonstrate that we are the first political force in this country”, affirms Bastien Lachaud

The deputy of La France Insoumise of Seine-Saint-Denis moved to Dijon this Tuesday, June 7 to support the candidates of the NUPES in Côte-d’Or.

“We must review the entire doctrine of maintaining order, the police must respect the criminal code and not do justice themselves,” declared Bastien Lachaud, echoing the words of Jean-Luc Mélenchon.

In order to attack the last straight line before the first round of the legislative elections of June 12 and 19, Antoine Peillon and Patricia Marc, candidates of the NUPES in Côte-d’Or, respectively on the first and third constituencies, proudly awaited the deputy of the 6th district of Seine-Saint-Denis, Bastien Lachaud, on the platform of the SNCF station.

Dominique Guidoni-Stoltz, substitute for Antoine Peillon, and Michel Alignier, substitute for Patricia Marc, were there. As well as Young NUPES. Stéphane Guinot and Valérie Jacq, invested in the fourth constituency, were excused, as well as Isabelle de Almeida and Carole Bernhard for the fifth constituency and Catherine Hervieu for the second constituency.

The highlight of this new campaign day was announced around the Halles de Dijon for outdoor speeches.

Before that, the militant group for the New Popular Ecological and Social Union wandered downtown. “We have the wind in our sails, we are going to fly to the National Assembly”, launched Antoine Peillon, hand raised with the V for victory during a photo break under the Porte Guillaume.

The wish “that the mobilization emerges in the ballot boxes”

Further on, after a stop under the republican motto inscribed on the facade of the Palais des Ducs, it was the Dijon owl that the candidate for the first constituency of the Côte-d’Or touched, wishing for a absolute NUPES majority in the National Assembly and a Prime Minister named Jean-Luc Mélenchon.

According to Bastien Lachaud, moreover, “popular exasperation cannot stop”. About the struggle led by the Yellow Vests for several months, the deputy of Seine-Saint-Denis wished “that this mobilization emerges in the ballot box”.

The parliamentarian obviously moved on Tuesday to support the candidacies of the NUPES in Côte-d’Or but also to insist on the program of this one. “We are producing more and we can clearly see that the money is going more and more towards capital. And believe me, it costs less to pay more civil servants than to pay the unemployed, ”he tried to convince a 72-year-old retiree, doubtful about the feasibility of retirement at 60.

“The difficulty with your left is that there is never really a program to see things clearly,” added the retiree. “We have a program of 650 measures. And we are united in action,” assured Bastien Lachaud.

“Put a stop to the policies of Emmanuel Macron”

A few minutes later, the deputy of Seine-Saint-Denis spoke in the tone of the rally “around five great candidates in the department of Côte-d’Or”. Bastien Lachaud then more widely insisted on a “historic” dynamic. According to him, this is evidenced by a common program “of 650 measures, which assumes its differences on 33 points. We can clearly see that what brings us together is much more important than what could divide us”.

For the parliamentarian candidate for re-election, the NUPES is “able to govern to meet the challenges of our time. And the National Assembly will give the green light for the appointment of the Prime Minister and therefore of Jean-Luc Mélenchon”. The reaffirmed objective is to “put a stop to Emmanuel Macron’s policies which mistreat the people, which enrich the richest, which destroy the environment”. Suppression of the ISF, reduction of APL, reintroduction of neonicotinoids were recalled as “destructive measures in the continuity of the mandates of François Hollande and Nicolas Sarkozy”.

“Make life a little sweeter for everyone”

The choice of Elisabeth Borne as Prime Minister was implicitly qualified as a danger for the future of workers. With strong criticism of his management of RATP and unemployment insurance files as well as “his climate inaction”.

“Five more years of Macron means five years of suffering for the people, of environmental destruction. It’s time to stop this and we can do it by sending a majority of the People’s Union to the National Assembly, to make life a little easier for everyone, ”launched Bastien Lachaud, to reaffirm the issue. of the next elections, for which the NUPES brings “the minimum wage to 1,500 euros, a salary increase with a simple rule: a difference not going beyond 1 to 20 in all companies”. Without forgetting “the blocking of all prices. Two euros per liter of gasoline is not tenable. We must immediately reduce the liter of gasoline to 1.40 euros”.

Bastien Lachaud thus expressed himself “for the people”, also expressing an optimism reinforced by the polls. For the deputy of Seine-Saint-Denis, the NUPES “scares” a Macronie “which is not serene” and uses “arguments of bad faith”.

For the elected LFI, the first round of the legislative elections for French people living abroad last Sunday showed that the momentum can be translated into the ballot box. “We are present in the second round in ten of the eleven constituencies,” noted Bastien Lachaud. By launching: “We are going to demonstrate that we are the first political force in this country. We will be present in the second round in more than 500 constituencies and we will be the only political force to have elected members in the first round. And we all know that the second round elections only reinforce the momentum of the first round. We will send more than 289 deputies from the New People’s Union to the National Assembly”.

“We are going to rebuild the democratic and social Republic”

A call for mobilization concluded the words of the deputy, then supported by Patricia Marc in front of Insoumis militants, communists and environmentalists in particular since Stéphanie Modde, vice-president of the regional council of Bourgogne-Franche-Comté, joined the group, came in “friend”. Antoine Peillon took care to name all the candidates and their alternates of the NUPES in Côte-d’Or and to underline the meaning of this union.

By saluting the career and work of Bastien Lachaud in the National Assembly, in particular as a member of the National Defense and Armed Forces Committee or via his bill to ban hunting with hounds but also that in 2018 relating to the extension of the duration of paternity leave, he highlighted the legislative action that could be taken. By declaring such a hope with the appearance of collective ambition: “let’s imagine a lot of everything we are going to do when our New People’s, Ecological and Social Union will have, from the end of this month, an absolute majority in the National Assembly, with more than 289 seats, and when Jean-Luc Mélenchon will necessarily be Prime Minister, no offense to the Bonapartist Macron-le-Petit! We are going to rebuild from top to bottom the democratic and social Republic which, since July 1789, has been the authentic political tradition of France: that which has constantly restored the honor of our people”.

“The crime of hit and run is not punishable by the death penalty in the penal code”

Asked about Jean-Luc Mélenchon’s remarks concerning the National Police following a young woman killed during a check last Saturday in Paris followed by a refusal to comply on the part of the driver, Bastien Lachaud declared: “he says the police kill. Today we have police officers who, during a traffic check, decide on the life or death of people. The fact of not obeying a police order, the hit and run, is not sanctioned by the death penalty in the penal code. We must review the entire doctrine of maintaining order, the police must respect the criminal code and not do justice themselves. They shot an innocent passenger, it’s the fourth person dead in a few months during traffic checks, there is a real problem there. What upsets me is that there may be deaths during roadside checks and that no politician, apart from those of the NUPES, reacts. What is scandalous is that the police can kill and that no one finds it abnormal except us”.

Alix Berthier
Photos: Alix Berthier

Candidates in the first constituency (by electoral panel)

1- Didier Martin (Ensemble)
2- Antoine Peillon (La France Insoumise, NUPES)
3- Grace Jourdier (National Gathering)
4- Ambrine Mohamed (Reconquest)
5- Sladana Zivkovic (various gauche)
6- Amar Titraoui (divers centre)
7- Dominique Gros (Democratic Independent Workers Party)
8- Julien Thévenin (Workers struggle)
9- François-Xavier Dugourd (LR-UDI)
10- Franck Ayache (various center)
11- Manon Bourguignon (Patriots)

Candidates for the third constituency

1- Xavier Richard (divers gauche)
2- Solène Lacroix-Samper (Reconquest)
3- Tarja Fauvet (Pirate Party)
4- Patricia Marc (La France Insoumise, NUPES)
5- Bruno Louis (various ecologist)
6- Valerie Grandet (LR-UDI)
7- François Benredjem (Animal rights parties)
8- Yasmina Hamidi (Stand Up France)
9- Julien Collenne (various left)
10- Dominique Alexandre Bourgois (National Rally)
11- Clement Van Melckebeke (The Commitment)
12- Fabienne Delorme (Workers struggle)
13- Fadila Khattabi (Ensemble)

“The green rule must be a mandatory horizon”, insists Antoine Peillon in terms of biodiversity

“It is the French people who will ensure that Jean-Luc Mélenchon becomes Prime Minister”, claims Antoine Peillon

The candidates make their bets for the legislative elections in Côte-d’Or

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