We will talk about an increasingly less likely legislative intervention on the 110% Superbonus after Christmas. The Minister of Economy, Giancarlo Giorgetti, is still waiting for the data on the bonus draw in December, he has not yet released the reserve and, faced with pressure from Forza Italia and now also from Fratelli d’Italia, he is showing great prudence.
In 2023 the cost will be 56 billion
“Each month of Superbonus costs us 4.5 billion euros, equivalent to what we have allocated in increase for Healthcare in 2024. So each month of extension eats up exactly one year’s allocation for Healthcare” he said yesterday, closing the door to the extension of the 110% benefits for a few months, which would end at the end of the year, to move to 70% in 2024. The reason for prudence is explained by the minister himself: 4.5 billion per month for twelve months equals 56 billion , which will cost 110% in 2023. About 20 billion more than the latest estimates, which in September were stuck at 36 billion. With the result that the 2023 deficit will almost certainly be higher than the 5.3% set in the government programs. «Let’s wait and see» repeats Giorgetti.
Extraordinary reporting
A Council of Ministers is scheduled for December 28, the last chance to intervene. Excluding the extension, there are various proposals currently being evaluated on the minister’s table. The first, put forward by Guido Liris, Fratelli d’Italia, is to allow extraordinary reporting at the end of the year of all the work done up to that point, which would maintain the 110% deduction. Reporting can only be done for 30 and 60% of the work and this measure would help those who have not reached that minimum level. Other measures aim to ease the more than probable litigation that will start in 2024 regarding the unfinished works. Allow businesses to maintain the 70% deduction on the invoice discount, even if the condominium does not add the 30% difference by paying all the VAT on the invoice. And above all, avoid that failure to achieve the two energy improvement classes, in the event of interruption of the works, causes the entire 110% deduction accrued to be lost.
2023-12-23 07:20:41
#Superbonus #bill #exceeds #estimates #billion #change