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Legislative in Charente: Francis Lalanne, the candidate, “the troll” and his “dream”

Uan hour and a half late, an evening concert and 20 minutes of political speaking. This Thursday evening, in La Rochefoucauld, Francis Lalanne the singer-troubadour and Francis Lalanne the candidate for the legislative elections played together, the notoriety of one carrying the voice of the other. But for…

Uan hour and a half late, an evening concert and 20 minutes of political speaking. This Thursday evening, in La Rochefoucauld, Francis Lalanne the singer-troubadour and Francis Lalanne the candidate for the legislative elections played together, the notoriety of one carrying the voice of the other. But, to hear this voice, which one never really knows if it is theatrical or sincere, it was first necessary to wait. That the sound engineer respect a delay which had nothing more of Charentais, first, then that the tension goes down between the singer-candidate, his team and a young Charentais hunter of fake news on the net and who had decided to hold him accountable for his past positions. “ Mr. Lalanne, do you really consider that we are governed by Nazis? “, he challenged him, camera in hand. Annoyance rather than annoyance. “ These are trolls paid by LRem to spread official fake news and rot my campaign “, annoys Francis Lalanne. Call to the gendarmes, descent of a patrol, refusal of the candidate to start his meeting as long as the young man is in the sector. “His nickname on the net is Ravaillac. The Ravaillacs are the people sent by the Freemasons “, plague a relative of Francis Lalanne…. Still, it was the American Twitter which once again suspended the official account of candidate Francis Lalanne for spreading false news. The account only lasted a few days.

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