Discussions with a dozen Renaissance activists, a meeting with some downtown merchants and a round table with economic players: Olivia Grégoire’s program was busy this Tuesday, May 31, 2022. The government spokesperson was in visit to Chartres to support Guillaume Kasbarian, MP for the constituency and legislative candidate.
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The opportunity to say a few words about the national and international situation in front of the cameras of BFM TV, to rebel after the death of a journalist from the channel in Ukraine – “Light must be shed quickly on this crime” – but also to take the pulse of Chartres traders. Inflation and the shortage of labor mentioned by the latter were also at the heart of the debates that followed with business leaders, at the Crowned Beef in Chartres.
New proposals
“A lot of things have already been done”, reminded Olivia Grégoire, citing the freezing of electricity prices, lower taxes for professionals and households, the separation of professional and personal assets of self-employed workers. “In a few days, new proposals will be presented to the Council of Ministers and then submitted to parliamentarians in July.”
The Minister of National Education, Jean-Michel Blanquer, knocks on the doors of the inhabitants of Luisant
The government spokeswoman did not forget to praise the merits of Guillaume Kasbarian: “He really embodies the double hat of a deputy, both very committed at the local level and very active at the national level.”
Laurence Franceschina
[email protected]