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Legislative 2022. Nupes, Renaissance, LR, Reconquest … The parties are in battle order

The legislative campaign begins in earnest this weekend. On the left as on the right, the main parties – except the RN – launched their first press conferences and nominations this Saturday, five weeks before the first round.

Invested for a second and last five-year term at the end of the morning, Emmanuel Macron made “the oath to bequeath a more livable planet” and “a living and stronger France”, during his speech. But while waiting for the appointment of a new government, the eye of the Head of State is already riveted on the legislative elections to come, aiming to elect 577 deputies on June 12 and 19 who will be the extension of the sequence opened by the presidential election. .

The challenge for the opposition will be to maintain the mobilization of their voters by convincing them that the revenge of April 24 is possible. For Emmanuel Macron, it will be to ensure the majority allowing him to apply the program on which he was re-elected.

The left displays its new union and believes in its (V)ictory

In the first round of the presidential election, Jean-Luc Mélenchon had been a brilliant third, with nearly 22% of the vote. The rest of the left had been swept away. At the end of a flash tactical offensive, the ex-candidate of La France Insoumise managed this week to unite under the same banner LFI, the PS, the PCF and EELV, responding to the expectations of a large part of the leftist electorate.

In the wake of a historic agreement with his former socialist enemies, the 71-year-old tribune thus brought together this Saturday in Aubervilliers a Nomination Convention for the candidates for the legislative elections of his New Popular Ecological and Social Union (Nupes) – him – even will not be, he said on Friday. “Here is the first Nupes convention”, “to forget the grudges of the past” and “to regroup to win”, proclaimed Manuel Bompard, the leader of the rebellious negotiators and one of the architects of this alliance.

He shared the stage with the ecologist leaders Julien Bayou, socialist Olivier Faure and communist Fabien Roussel who spoke in turn. Jean-Luc Mélenchon, he began to deliver the closing speech around 4:50 p.m., welcoming a “global agreement” which is not just an “electoral agreement”. The leader of the Insoumis felt that a “page in the political history of France” was being written.

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To unveil the Nupes logo, Manon Aubry made the V for victory with her fingers, V in Greek is “NU”, she explained. A green, purple, yellow, orange and red V sign appeared on the screen.

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If the agreement on the left has not caused a stir among environmentalists, it is rejected without appeal by several major figures of the PS. The powerful president of the Occitanie region Carole Delga, a resolute opponent of the agreement, is moving to Lot this Saturday in support of a dissident candidate.

A new wave of nominations on the side of the majority

The presidential party LREM, which is now called Renaissance, hopes to be able to attract some of the disappointed on the left. “Our doors are wide open,” insisted his boss, Stanislas Guerini, on Friday. The outgoing majority had unveiled Thursday a first salvo of 187 investitures – including a dozen ministers and the former head of government PS Manuel Valls, present at the Elysee Palace this Saturday. The poster was completed this Saturday by the announcement of a new wave of nominations, including Robin Reda, close to Valérie Pécresse, who left LR to join the macronie.

Among the new names, which bring to 450 the number of candidates already invested by the majority, are those of ten ministers, including Olivier Véran who is representing himself in his constituency of Isère. The other members of the government in the running invested this Saturday are Marc Fesneau (Loir-et-Cher), Bérangère Abba (Haute-Marne) Brigitte Bourguignon (Pas-de-Calais), Franck Riester (Seine-et-Marne), Geneviève Darrieussecq (Landes), Joël Giraud (Hautes-Alpes), Olivia Grégoire (Paris) Nadia Hai (Yvelines) and Sarah El Haïry (Loire-Atlantique). And among those invested are also the leaders of Renaissance, including its boss Stanislas Guerini (Paris) and that of the LREM deputies Christophe Castaner (Alpes-de-Haute-Provence).

Photo Sipa / Jeanne ACCORSINI

After tense negotiations, LREM, the MoDem of François Bayrou and the new Horizons party of Edouard Philippe approach the legislative “Together! – this is the name chosen for their joint campaign. The boss of MoDem deputies Patrick Mignola is thus representing himself in Savoie. In the Bas-Rhin, Charles Sitzenstuhl, close to the Minister of Finance Bruno Le Maire, will also seek a first term.

LR closes ranks

On the right, Les Républicains gathered their National Council in Paris to officially launch their campaign which promises to be perilous for the historic right-wing party, whose candidate Valérie Pécresse was defeated in the presidential election (4.8% of the vote). Between 300 and 400 people, including a hundred candidates, met. Among those present, the boss of the Auvergne Rhône-Alpes region Laurent Wauquiez and that of Hauts-de-France Xavier Bertrand, as well as the mayor of the 7th arrondissement of Paris Rachida Dati, the treasurer Daniel Fasquelle and the MEPs François-Xavier Bellamy and Agnes Evren.

“Nothing is decided, things are moving on the ground,” said party president Christian Jacob after the meeting. LR will present a single candidate with its partners from the UDI and the New Center “in 543 constituencies”: 457 LR, 59 UDI, 26 NC and 1 Freedom and Territories, detailed Christian Jacob. In about thirty others, no agreement could be reached to present a single candidate.

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The party leader hopes to deter any temptation to rally to Emmanuel Macron, while several elected officials, including the boss of deputies Damien Abad, have shown themselves open to a rally. Each of the candidates will thus have to sign a “charter of clarity and independence”, in which he will undertake “not to apply under the colors of the President of the Republic” and “to sit within the independent group formed by the LR to the Assembly”. “Don’t lower your head, stay true to what you believe. Those who betrayed us are out, so much the better. We are going to have to rebuild everything, from top to bottom, and it starts today, ”launched Laurent Wauquiez.

And the far right?

Eric Zemmour brought together this Saturday the candidates for the legislative elections of his party Reconquest! in Paris, salle Wagram, for a day of training for these 550 invested, but without revealing whether he would also run for a seat in the National Assembly. “I will tell you in the next few days how I will fight this battle”, he said, deploring that “the national bloc is divided” and recalling that he had proposed a “union” of the rights which did not echoed Marine Le Pen’s National Rally. “We will be the only ones to confront the Mélenchonist bloc, since we are the only ones to consider that there is a right-left divide,” he said.

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The RN of Marine Le Pen will wait for its part next week to present the axes of its campaign.

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