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Legislative 2017: new faces to succeed Jean-Jacques Guillet, deputy mayor (LR) of Chaville

The big change will take place in the 8th district of Hauts-de-Seine. On June 18, the inhabitants of Chaville, Marnes-la-Coquette, Meudon, Sèvres, Vaucresson and Ville-d’Avray will have a new deputy. After 24 years of Jean-Jacques Guillet, mayor (LR) of Chaville, who preferred his town to the ors of the National Assembly to comply with the law on the accumulation of mandates. “Jean-Jacques Guillet will have served five terms, calculates Gilles Boyer, 45, the LR candidate also supported by the UDI. This is a real generational renewal. “

Supported by the six mayors of the sector, the ex-right arm of Alain Juppé, then treasurer of the campaign of François Fillon, started campaigning very early.

For about ten days, he has been meeting regularly with the one who appears as his most formidable opponent. Senior civil servant, enarque, Jacques Maire, 55, is a former collaborator of Jacques Delors and Laurent Fabius. He received the label, carrier since the election of Emmanuel Macron, of the Republic on the move (REM). “In three weeks, you have to build an approach and an image,” he explains. “The presence of an REM competitor is the best answer to those who suspected me of wanting to join the government,” says Gilles Boyer. I am the candidate of the right and the center. “

“If Emmanuel Macron proposes good laws for the country, I will be ready to vote for”

The two regulars of the ministerial cabinets develop a discourse willingly reformist. Regarding the increase in the CSG (Generalized social contribution), which will affect a good number of retirees, to finance reductions in employee contributions, Jacques Maire assumes. “We do not shave for free,” he animates. This is the price to pay for a more competitive economy. We must speak a language of truth. “

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