The legal team defending Ms. Amal Shaaban announced that the investigating judge in Beirut, Asaad Bayram, decided to release Ms. Amal Shaaban in exchange for financial bail, which the Financial Public Prosecution had suspended on suspicion of receiving financial bribes in exchange for equivalency of certificates for Iraqi students.
The team indicated in a statement that Shaaban’s release came after conducting a legal interview with the main defendant in the file and after listening to the statements of all defendants and witnesses.
He pointed out that he is currently following the legal steps for the file, awaiting the decision of the Financial Public Prosecutor, Judge Ali Ibrahim, in the hope that all procedures will be completed and a decision will be issued to prevent her from being tried or declaring her innocence before the competent court.
He said that he would have a pause that would address in detail all the impurities, loopholes, fraud, and slander that accompanied this file, which affected the dignity and morality of our client and harmed her person. We are confident that the judiciary will do justice to her.
2024-01-04 14:56:00
#decision #release #Amal #Shaaban #exchange #financial #bail