What are the legal requirements in Germany for keeping lions as pets?
This varies quite a bit from state to state. Holding is therefore not prohibited without exception in Germany, some federal states can grant exceptions under – very narrow – conditions. The competent authorities check this very carefully.
Not so in Berlin, however. Because the so-called “Ordinance on the keeping of dangerous animals of wild species” applies there. This prohibits the private keeping of lions in general. So: No exceptions in Berlin. And if the lion escapes, the law on administrative offenses applies nationwide, even in the case of negligence. The law speaks of letting the animal “roam freely”. Nevertheless, this legal situation is not really satisfactory. A standardization of the husbandry rules in Germany is absolutely overdue!
What are the requirements to legally keep a lion as a pet?
The requirements and the examination steps are not uniform from state to state. Some federal states even have no special rules for keeping dangerous animals, so general police law applies.
As a rule, the following applies: At least one legitimate interest must be proven, there must be no objections to reliability and there must be no risk to life, health, property or possessions.
Do you need a special permit to own a lion in Germany?
Yes, unless, as in Berlin, there is a blanket ban on non-commercial keeping, i.e. a ban without the possibility of granting an exception.
What safety precautions are needed to keep a lion as a pet?
The federal states determine this when they issue the permit. The decision then contains special conditions that must be observed. In general, even in the rare cases in which a big cat is allowed to be kept, escape must be prevented under all circumstances – and the owner is fully liable if the animal escapes. Incidentally, also under civil law, i.e. injured citizens are liable for damages.
What are the penalties for keeping a lion as a pet without complying with the legal requirements?
First of all, there is a risk of a high fine because it is an administrative offence. But there is also a risk of imprisonment. Of course, criminal offenses can also occur very quickly here, be it due to damage to the animal, be it due to injury to persons or property. We’re not just talking about bodily harm and property damage. If the illegally kept lion kills a human, it can be intentional manslaughter and even murder. Murder because a cruel killing of such an animal can certainly be accepted by the owner with approval. Anyone who keeps a lion privately is playing with fire, not just legally.
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2023-07-20 09:12:24
#Lawyer #clarifies #lions #allowed #forbidden #pets