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Legal marijuana, only in health matters: lawyer

The ruling of the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation to declare the recreational use of marijuana legal, only refers to health matters, but consumption continues to form part of the criminal sanction laws and systems, and therefore still is It is considered prohibited, warned Alejandro Leal Espinoza, a lawyer who has handled various cases related to amparos won by consumers.

He clarified that regardless of the pronouncement of the Federal Judicial Power, the amparo lawsuits promoted have not remained without matter because the challenge of the lawyers is given in criminal matters and not from the health aspect, and therefore, the amparos continue having importance.

“The ruling of the Supreme Court of Justice is directed exclusively to the General Health Law, but it still has no effect on the Penal Code and therefore, it is still considered a crime,” he explained.

His judgment is now more important that the State Congress can make determinations and promote modifications not only to the Health Law, but also to the Federal Penal Code.

He considered that the position of the Supreme Court is good news, but there is still much work to be done in terms of regulation.

He recalled that for now there is no legislative agenda, at least programmed or with draft opinions to discuss and, where appropriate, approve or work on any decriminalization initiative. “I think it will be pending until the next legislature.”

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