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Legal abortion: the story of the first doctor to prescribe misoprostol to a patient

The law of legal abortion It has been in force in Argentina since this Sunday, after eight days have passed since the promulgation of President Alberto Fernández. In this way, the first legal interruption of the pregnancy has already taken place with the current law. It was done by using the misoprostrol, and went Estefanía Cioffi the first doctor in charge of making this prescription.

About the patient who performed the first voluntary legal abortion, the doctor explained, in statements with IP News that “what happened to this person is that last week we knew he was late, and we talked about the possibility of interrupting him or not.” Thus, he added that “he was thinking about it and came on Monday with the decision made and we accompanied the process.”

So, Estefanía Cioffi He explained how the process is with the patients who attend the health center with ignorance about their pregnancy situation: «The first thing that happens is the doubt of the pregnancy. ‘This happened to me, I wasn’t planning it, I don’t know what to do.’ The first thing that happens is a counseling in options so that you can decide if you want to continue with the pregnancy or if you want to interrupt it.

On how is the procedure to carry out an abortion, the doctor explained that “it depends on the number of weeks how an interruption of the pregnancy is made. Up to 13 weeks inclusive it is performed on an outpatient basis, it is a treatment with pills that is carried out at the home of the person accompanied by whoever decides. After 13 weeks, hospitalization is recommended. Treatment is with misoprostol or intrauterine manual aspiration ».

Before the first recipe of misoprostol for a legal abortion of a patient, Cioffi shared her in a photo through his Instagram. «Today the right to be able to decide is a reality after years of feminist organization. The emotion overflows the body, “he wrote. In addition, he stressed that “we are here to guarantee law 27,610, to lovingly accompany, to always accompany.”

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