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Lega Serie A president elections: black smoke in the second vote

The counting of the ballots recorded 19 blank and one for the number one of Confindustria, Carlo Bonomi. Marotta: “His name is not burned” From the next vote a simple majority will be enough

Nothing done in the new vote for the next president of the Serie A League. The second round in fact recorded 19 blank ballots and one vote for the current president of confindustria Carlo Bonomi. The first, which took place last week, had been 17 blank and 2 null ballots.

Now lowest quorum

This new “black smoke” will lower the quorum of the election: from the next vote, in fact, a simple majority of 11 out of 20 votes will be enough to elect the successor of the resigning Dal Pino, while in the first two votes the majority required was 14 out of 20 .


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