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Lega and Forza Italia vote against the coronabonds in the European Parliament. Pd and M5s are divided on the Mes

At home they attack the government on the Mes and stand as champions of the coronabonds. Unless then vote against this instrument in the European Parliament, aligning with the sovereign forces. Indeed, the Lega and Forza Italia delegations to the European Parliament voted yesterday for an amendment by the Greens group to a resolution on the EU response to the Coronavirus pandemic, which called for the creation of coronabonds to share the future debt of the States members. But the European Parliament is chaos: Pd and M5s today are divided on the vote in plenary in favor of the activation of the Mes, contained in the resolution on the coordinated action of the EU against Covid-19. The Pd voted in favor of paragraph 23 which calls on the eurozone countries to activate the Mes, while the M5s has spoken out. Contrary also League and Brothers of Italy. Italia Viva and Forza Italia voted in favor. The paragraph passed with 523 yes, 145 against and 17 abstentions.

Lega and Forza Italia vote against

Just go and read the list of the nominal votes of the European Parliament to find the names of the League and blue MEPs who voted against. The League counts the votes of Matteo Adinolfi, Simona Baldassarre, Alessandra Basso, Mara Bizzotto, Anna Bonfrisco, Paolo Borchia, Marco Campomenosi, Andrea Caroppo, Massimo Casanova, Susanna Ceccardi, Angelo Ciocca, Rosanna Conte, Gianantonio Da Re, Francesca Donato , Marco Dreosto, Gianna Gancia, Danilo Oscar Lancini, Elena Lizzi, Alessandro Panza, Luisa Regimenti, Antonio Maria Rinaldi, Silvia Sardone, Vincenzo Sofo, Annalisa Tardino, Isabella Tovaglieri, Lucia Vuolo, Stefania Zambelli and Marco Zanni, all part of the group Identity and Democracy (Id), founded by Matteo Salvini and Marine Le Pen. For Forza Italia they voted against Silvio Berlusconi, who in the Italian debate also opened on the reformed MES but reiterated the importance of the coronabonds, Salvatore De Meo, Fulvio Martusciello, Giuseppe Milazzo, Aldo Patriciello, Massimiliano Salini and the vice-president of the party Antonio Tajani.

Fdi votes in favor together with M5s and Pd

Conversely, the MEPs of Fratelli d’Italia showed more consistency, voting in favor of the Green amendment. Sergio Berlato, Carlo Fidanza, Pietro Fiocchi, Raffaele Fitto, Nicola Procaccini and Raffaele Stancanelli have indeed expressed a yes.

The delegations of the 5 Star Movement and the Democratic Party voted in favor, while that of Italia Viva abstained. The text of the Green amendment provided for a substantial share of the debt to be issued by the Member States at EU level. “To preserve the cohesion of the EU and the integrity of its monetary union, a substantial portion of the debt that will be issued to combat the consequences of the Covid-19 crisis will have to be mutualised at the EU level,” said the text. The motion was rejected with 326 votes against, 282 in favor and 74 abstentions. With the positive vote of Lega and FI it would have passed.

The M5s attacks the League but votes against the Recovery Fund

“Yet another betrayal against Italy by the


Bonelli (Verdi): “False patriots ally with Italy’s enemies”

“Yesterday in the European Parliament the absurd fair was staged that damaged and mocked Italy- is the comment of Angelo Bonelli, national coordinator of Verdi – Salvini’s League has voted together with those sovereign and right-wing forces that systematically attack our country. Salvinian champions of patriotism, from Rinaldi to Donato, the Member of Parliament who smashed the ears of many because she started to march with her car to protest against Europe, voted in support of government positions Dutch and sovereigns, that is, no coronabonds and no mutualisation of the debt caused by the coronavirus crisis: these are false patriots who in Italy pretend to defend our country but outside the border ally with the enemies of Italy “.

“There is another incredible and absurd vote that we must denounce – continues the exponent of the Greens – which concerns the most important political force of the majority of government of our country, the M5S which voted against the introduction of the” Recovery Fund “Bonelli concludes with a question, addressed to the former political leader Luigi Di Maio and to Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte:” If the position of the M5S and the government is that of the no, also to the “Recovery Fund” proposed by France and after saying not even to the Mes without conditions to finance health, how do you plan to financially support the economic recovery of our country? “.

The League: “We are never in favor of coronabonds”

The reply from the League, however, was not long in coming. Entrusted to Zanni, president of the Id group, and Campomenosi, head of the delegation of the League to the European Parliament, translates into an attack on the M5s and the government: “Once again, shameful exploitation by the M5s which, to divert attention from the disastrous choices of the Conte government in Italy and in Europe, if he takes it with the Lega – say the two MEPs of the League – the accusation would be that of having voted against the amendment of the Greens to the EU Parliament on Eurobonds: we claim that we, unlike the M5s and Conte who change their minds on the subject every week, we have never been in favor of the coronabond instrument, which would correspond to the total transfer of sovereignty to the EU “. And they add: “Indeed, we indicate from the beginning the simplest proposal, that is, a more active role as a true lender of last resort of the ECB to buy Btp. A proposal that M5s and Pd have never wanted to discuss. Furthermore, Undersecretary Di Stefano ( that attacked yesterday Salvini on the criticisms of Mes, ed) and Castaldo explain to the Italians why they, after Conte went to Europe to ask for larger Qfp and Recovery funds, yesterday voted against “.

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