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Left-wing Mayors in Val-de-Marne Unite Against 49.3 Using Pensions as a Common Banner | Citizens.com

Usually, they find directly the processions of trade unionists from their stronghold or their political organization. But this time, mayors, parliamentarians and left-wing elected officials from Val-de-Marne played together. Meeting was given in front of the footbridge of Mornay, half an hour before the departure of the demonstration, planned place of the Bastille. “You can’t make a profound change in a society without a sense of listening, dialogue and consensus. However, in this reform, everything was imposed. There was a dialogue of the deaf, of contempt for social democracy. We need a responsible president, who appeases!“, calls Sophie Taillé-Polian, Generation.s MP.

For the elect, the vase overflowed with 49.3. “In front of us, people flout the Republic and revise the democratic question. We have a president who passes, without a vote in the National Assembly, a structuring law. We are the representatives of the people who are mobilizing against this reform. Today, the battle must be fought for the referendum and a return to democracy”motivates Denis Oztorun, the PCF mayor of Bonneuil-sur-Marne.

I had the opportunity to ask Emmanuel Macron a question during the big debate, he is someone above ground, he does not look at his interlocutors. He sails above the crowd. Today, 70% of French people are against this reform. He must finally listen to his people. He intended to divide us, but every time he speaks like this Wednesday on television, the opposite happens“, continues Patricia Tordjman, PCF mayor of Gentilly.

The president reiterates his contempt for the message that the French men and women sent him. This reform steals two years of life from those who have worked the hardest, women, the precarious, those who have choppy careers, difficult jobs”abounds Hélène de Comarmond, PS mayor of Cachan.

Beyond this platform, the mayors also confide their concerns about the radicalization of the movement. “It is necessary that everyone keeps reason, that we get along and that we express ourselves with respect for others. I condemn all types of violence“, explains Imène Souid-Ben Cheikh, mayor of Orly (DVG). “But comparing people who have been demonstrating by the millions for months to rebels and factions is staggering. We are not attacking the Capitol but a reform“, loose Camille Vielhescaze, the first PS deputy to the mayor of Cachan.

Among the other elected officials still present: the communist mayors of Villejuif, Pierre Garzon, Ivry-sur-Seine, Philippe Bouyssou and Chevilly-Larue, Stéphanie Daumin, several deputy mayors of Arcueil.

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It is their belief that Jan Helge Andersen acted alone in committing the murders.

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