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Left is fighting against new corona loans for several years – Berlin.de

The left parliamentary group in the Brandenburg state parliament criticizes the state government’s intention to take out a new billion-euro loan for several years due to the consequences of the corona pandemic. In the current draft budget for the coming year, a new borrowing of 1.6 billion euros is planned as a special fund for the years up to and including 2023, explained their financial policy spokesman Ronny Kretschmer on Thursday. The state government has already set up two special funds with loans amounting to one billion euros for a future investment fund and for the first corona rescue package amounting to a further two billion euros.

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Ronny Kretschmer (Die Linke) speaks.

With this, the state government creates a shadow budget from which it can finance its coalition projects without the control of the state parliament, criticized parliamentary group leader Sebastian Walter. He also turned against the state government’s request to the state parliament to state an emergency for several years to justify the loans. “We cannot now see whether the emergency will still exist in 2022 or 2023,” said Walter. This has to be reassessed every year.

The Left is therefore demanding in an amendment that the state parliament should initially only determine the emergency for 2021 and only approve a loan of just under 700,000 euros. In addition, all expenses in the amount of more than five million euros should have to be discussed in the budget committee of the state parliament.

Walter declared that his group wanted to fight for it through parliamentary channels. The Left does not have the necessary quorum of a quarter of the members of the state parliament to file an action before the state constitutional court.

The Left parliamentary group commissioned the former judge at the State Constitutional Court of Saxony-Anhalt, Professor Michael Kilian, as an expert. Kilian warned that the formation of special funds would shift sovereignty over the state budget from the state parliament to the state government. Special funds are only permitted in exceptional cases for clearly defined tasks. However, the special funds required by the state government already made up a third of the budget for the coming year.

Source: dpa

| Updated: Thursday, November 19, 2020, 12:03 p.m.

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