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Left Intervention in Epirus: First names of candidates

The first names on the ballot per Regional Unit are announced by the Left Intervention in Epirus.

Zois Galatas, Municipal Clerk in the Municipality of Zitsa, is the leader and candidate for District Governor in the combination.

The names are as follows:

1. Vlachas Panagiotis, Mechanical Engineer
2. Vlachos Dimitrios, former General Secretary of the Federation of Builders
3. Galata Paraskevi, Pensioner IKA
4. Georgiou Leonidas, Farmer, Artist
5. Kanelou Areti, chemistry student
6. Karaferis Sotiris Livestock Breeder
7. Kosmas Theodoros, Cook
8. Kostadimas Georgios, Builder – Cattle breeder
9. Magieria Maria, Barelapoios EBE
10. Mentis Christos, Municipal Clerk, member of the Board of Directors of the Local Government Association of Ioannina Prefecture and member of Gram. Nom. Dept. ADEDY
11. Nikos Metsikas, Doctor
12. Mourehidis Yiannis, Agronomist, OTA Employee
13. Papanikolaou Georgios, retired TEBE
14. George Papapetrou, Project Manager
15. Pliatsika Gospel, Id. Employee
16. Rizou Doretta, former president of the Association of Administrative Employees of the University of Ioannina
17. Stahoulis Spyros, Dentist, member of the Board of Directors. Dental Association of Ioannina
18. Tassi Areti, IEK student
19. Toli Evangelia, English teacher, General Secretary of the Association of Owners of Foreign Language Centers PALSO of Ioannina
20. Konstantinos Tsioupis, Teacher

1. Lampris Dimitrios, Retired, former member of the Chamber of Commerce and member of the Board of Trade Association of Arta
2. Maglara Nefeli, student
3. Besta Areti, teacher
4. Papathanasis Yiannis, Private employee
5. Stavroulakis Argyris, Food worker

1. Anastasiadis Nikolaos, Ph.D candidate in Chemistry
2. Apostolou Georgios, Private employee
3. Thanis Ioannis, gymnast-choreographer
4. Klapas Georgios, ASOE student
5. Kostogianni Myrto, Chemical Engineering student NTUA
6. Manikas Demosthenis, Materials Science Engineer
7. Bakos Vasilis, Teacher
8. Nanos Evangelos, Farmer
9. Tzakou Marina, Retired Teacher
10. Elizabeth Weaver, Private employee – working in tourism

1. Kurti Iulia, retired teacher, former member of the Board of Directors. P.E. Thesprotia
2. Liambotis Sotiris, builder, former member of the Board of the Syndicate of Builders of Thesprotia
3. Sourlas Konstantinos, physicist, PhD candidate
4. Tzerpos Nikos, chemist, former member of the Board of Directors. COME to Thesprotia
5. Giorgos Hekimoglou, freelancer

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