Home » today » Business » Lefkada: 35-year-old in hospital with excruciating pain after being bitten by a “black widow” – 2024-05-04 07:48:00

Lefkada: 35-year-old in hospital with excruciating pain after being bitten by a “black widow” – 2024-05-04 07:48:00

A 35-year-old man, who had earlier been bitten by a “black widow” spider, arrived at the Lefkada hospital on Maundy Thursday afternoon with terrible pains in his leg.

The unfortunate man was bitten by the spider when he put on his work shoes, which he had outside his house, near wood for the fireplace, writes ilefkada.gr. The moment he felt the sting he didn’t pay much attention, as he thought it was some pebble or some thorn that stung him and continued his work.

About half an hour later, however, the pain started to become severe, so he took off his shoe to see what was going on, only to find that he had been bitten by a 2-3cm black “black widow” spider which was still on his foot.

Within minutes the pain began to become unbearable, and as time went on his leg began to feel numb. He then realized that his condition was dangerous, and although he has no related allergies, he got into his car to go to the General Hospital of Lefkada.

In the 10-15 minutes it took to get to the hospital, the pain had now become unbearable, and he could no longer feel his leg at all due to the numbness, while as he described on ilefkada.gr, he felt the pain “rising” towards the trunk of.

At the Lefkada General Hospital, he was given the prescribed medication, while he was hospitalized in the evening for continuous monitoring.

Fortunately, everything went well and after 24 hours the pain had subsided enough that he was discharged and will be on medication for a few more days.

The “black widow” spider

On the occasion of a similar incident of a “black widow” spider bite in the area of ​​Trikala in July 2023, the Regional Unit of Trikala proceeded to inform the citizens about protection measures, the symptoms of the bite and its treatment.

More specifically, the head of the Public Health Directorate, Sotirios Nikolakakos, said: “The Mediterranean Black Widow or Latrodectus tredecimguttatus is one of the two dangerous spider species in Greece. It owes its name to the female’s tendency to literally eat her sexual partner after intercourse. It is black in color and characterized by 13 red splashes (rarely orange or yellow) on the back of its body. The female can reach a size of 1.5cm while the male is only 0.7cm. The venom of the black spider contains a powerful neurotoxin which makes it painful but also extremely dangerous. Its venom is said to be 15 times stronger than that of a rattlesnake.”

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