While it was belatedly known that broadcaster Lee Sang-byeok (75) had been suspended from prosecution for allegedly indecent assault, she rebutted, saying, “I have never committed any indecent act.”
Lee Sang-byeok said in a telephone interview with Maeil Business Daily Star Today on the 23rd, “I’m sorry. He denied the indecent assault charge, saying, “The matter has already been settled legally.”
She continued: “Doesn’t it make sense that he went out to eat in broad daylight and harassed him in public? I have never been forcibly harassed,” she reiterated.
According to SBS Entertainment News on the same day, the 25th of last month, the Seosan branch of the Daejeon District Prosecutor’s Office suspended the prosecution of Lee Sang-byeok, who was charged with indecent assault.
Lee Sang-byeok was charged with indecent assault in September, including repeatedly touching the body of a woman in her 40s while she was drinking alcohol in a restaurant on August 29.
Prosecutors did not prosecute, saying, “The crime is not light, but he admitted to all charges, regretted his mistakes and reached a settlement with the victim.”
Lee Sang-byeok is a reporter-turned-journalist who hosted KBS’ ‘TV Carrying Love’ and ‘Morning Yard’.
[ⓒ 매일경제 & mk.co.kr, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]