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Lee Jae-myeong, number one in approval rating, rises… The former lawmakers at the debate [레이더P]

Gyeonggi Gyeonggi Governor Lee Jae-myeong, who ranks first in the preferences of the next presidential election runners, held a discussion meeting at the National Assembly to promote Gyeonggi Province’s core real estate policy,’Basic Housing’. At the debate, about 20 members of the opposition parliamentary lawmakers gathered, including former Minister of Small and Medium Venture Business Park Young-sun, former Minister of Small and Medium Venture Business and Rep.

On the 26th, Gyeonggi-do and Gyeonggi Housing and Urban Corporation co-hosted the’Gyeonggi-do Basic Housing National Assembly Debate’ at Glad Hotel, Yeouido, Seoul. The debate was crowded with 20 people, including former Minister Park and Congressman Woo, the National Assembly Special Committee for Budget and Accounting, Yoon Hu-deok, Chairman of the Planning and Finance Committee, and Kim Byeong-wook, the ruling party secretary. 50 members of the opposition parliamentary lawmakers were named as co-hosts.

Rep. Woo, who attended the debate, said, “It’s the first time I’ve seen dozens of lawmakers co-hosting a debate in the National Assembly.” It seems that Governor Lee, who is the number one candidate for the next presidential election, appeared along with interest in the basic housing policy in Gyeonggi Province.

picture explanationFormer Minister of Small and Medium Venture Business Park Young-sun (left) and Rep. Sang-ho Woo (right) of the Democratic Party, who ran for the Seoul Mayor’s by-election, took a commemorative photo with Gyeonggi Governor Lee Jae-myung at the’Gyeonggi-do Basic Housing Debate’ held at Glad Hotel, Yeouido, Seoul on the 26th. Are doing. [국회사진기자단]

– In a congratulatory remark at the debate, Governor Lee emphasized that in order for the government’s real estate policy to be successful, the trust in the policy must be high. He pointed out that high-ranking officials owning multiple houses is a key factor in lowering trust. Governor Lee said, “Even if the policy is high, if the people don’t believe it, a hundred medicines are invalid,” said Governor Lee. Is a solid proof.”

At the same time, it was said that a real estate blank trust system should be introduced for high-ranking public officials. Governor Lee said, “High-ranking public officials have introduced a blank trust system so that they can sell all like stocks. To be more precise, they should not be promoted or appointed to high-ranking officials.” There are a lot of qualified people who show their abilities sincerely even with them.”

Meanwhile, former Minister Park Young-seon and Rep. Woo Sang-ho, who are competing for the Democratic Party candidate who will run for the Seoul Mayor’s re-election in April, talked about their interest in basic housing and the policy direction as the next Mayor of Seoul.

Former Minister Park said, “(Gyeonggi-do basic housing) seems to be the core of the land rental partial housing. I am also very interested in a policy,” he said. “Because it is possible to reduce the house price to half and it is an alternative to making a half-price apartment.” Rep. Woo also said, “It has been confirmed in the market for decades that the housing security for the vulnerable class cannot be realized with the policy of expanding the supply of private housing,” he said. “The answer is only the mass distribution of public housing.”

In particular, Minister Park said to Governor Lee, “Since Seoul and Gyeonggi Province are the same living area, Gyeonggi-do’s policy affects Seoul, and Seoul’s policy affects Gyeonggi-do.” “The Mayor of Seoul and Gyeonggi Province always discuss and discuss policies together. He also said, “A relationship that needs to be discussed.”

[이석희 기자]
[ⓒ 매일경제 & mk.co.kr, 무단전재 및 재배포 금지]

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