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Lebanon’s Involvement in the Gaza Conflict: A Warning from Prominent Ambassador

Follow-up political sources do not hide that “the meeting that brought together one of the opposition poles with the ambassador of an effective country was not comfortable for the opposition pole, which received a very clear and firm message from the prominent ambassador, which he addressed to the opposition team, regarding the necessity of Lebanon not entering, in any way, into the line of conflict existing in Gaza between Israel.” And the Palestinian factions that revolve around resistance.”

The same sources explain, via the Lebanese Forces website, that “the pole belonging to the opposition was surprised by the tone of the prominent ambassador, and the message that was formulated in the language of warning, and was presented clearly and directly, that is, without verbal recitations and without gloves, as they say, to prevent any confusion or a clever attempt not to.” It was understood by the pole belonging to the resistance.”

The same sources confirm that “the concerned ambassador directly informed the prominent pole of resistance that the active capital of his country will hold Lebanon responsible for any interference in the war and any attack launched by (the party) or the Palestinian factions from Lebanese territory,” pointing out that “the opposition pole tried to… The surprise of the ambassador’s words is to evade and mitigate the impact of what is happening on the southern border by saying: We are not interested in escalation.”

Does this mean that forcibly involving Lebanon and dragging it into war is not an inevitable fate that can be avoided? The same sources answer: “It is not too late, and the southern border can be controlled and the army is capable if it is given the green light,” stressing that “the ball is in the court of the resistance, which will bear responsibility.” For any deterioration, this time it will not be able to wash its hands of the crime of throwing Lebanon into the ongoing war and the major catastrophe that will befall it in this case, in light of the collapse it is experiencing at all levels.

2023-10-12 06:59:37
#Exclusive #resistance #surprised #message #effective #ambassador

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