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Lebanon Weather Forecast: Hot and Humid Air Masses Recede, Temperature Drop Expected on Saturday

Lebanon is still under the influence of very hot and humid air masses on the coast and in the surrounding areas, which leads to an intense feeling of heat. The hot masses begin to recede on Saturday with the concentration of moderate air masses over the Black Sea, where the temperature drops on Saturdays, Sundays and Mondays, to return and rise slightly on Tuesday, but with less intensity. From the high temperature that we are witnessing now, while drawing attention to the fact that no matter how low the temperature is, the weather remains hot with the glory of summer. In detail…


1- Temperature: ranges between 27 and 35 on the coast, between 20 and 39 spots, and between 22 and 32 at 1,000 meters.

2- The weather: cloudy

3- Winds: weak, easterly at night, westerly during the day, with a speed between 10 and 40 km/hr

4- Surface humidity: between 50 and 85% on the coast.

5- Surface atmospheric pressure: 1004 hpa

6- Vision: good

7- Sea condition: wave height is low, and the water surface temperature is 29 degrees

Friday: Little clouds, and the temperature ranges as follows: between 27 and 34 coasts, between 20 and 40 spots, and between 22 and 32 at 1,000 meters, while the winds are weak from the east at night, from the northwest during the day, with a speed between 10 and 40 km / h.

▪ Saturday: little clouds, and local fog forms mountains in the afternoon, and the temperature decreases, ranging as follows: between 25 and 32 coasts, between 20 and 39 spots, and between 22 and 29 at 1,000 meters, while the winds are weak easterly at night, north-westerly during the day, with a speed between 10 and 40 km/h.

2023-07-28 09:51:16
#hot #blocks #retreat

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