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Lebanese State Neglect and Violence in Qurna Al-Sawda: Spot Shot Reveals Shocking Details

“spot shot”

Journalist Riad Touq confirmed that “if the Lebanese state had carried out its duties in the Qurna al-Sawda region in terms of border demarcation and suppression of violations, the incident would not have occurred, and Haitham Touq would not have gone to Qurna with a group of young men to remove the encroachments on the groundwater that feeds the springs of the region to be killed by treacherous bullets.” Long-term”.

In an interview via “Spot Shot” within the “Point of View” program, Tawq said: We are against fulfilling the right with arms, but in light of the state’s neglect of carrying out its duties in implementing laws and decrees and preventing the drawing of water through hoses, what happened would not have happened.

He continued, “We also demand to know what happened to Malik Touq, who went to the inventory in a spontaneous manner with a group of young men after they received the news of Haitham’s death, so that we would also be shocked by the news of his death in mysterious circumstances and the arrest of those who were with him, knowing that at that time the military helicopters of the Lebanese army began combing The region, the Lebanese army must explain to us who killed Malik Tawk and how that happened.

He added, “The incident was not the result of its time. There were those who incited and financed and supported. Investigations showed that there are four barricades on the Dunniyeh hills in the direction of Bsharri and its back to Dunniyeh, from which shots were fired at Haitham, and if what the Lebanese army said in a statement is correct, that the Qurna Al-Souda region is a military zone.” So why didn’t he discover these barricades and why did he allow them?

He emphasized that “although he does not hold MP Jihad al-Samad the blood of the martyrs, his use of the issue of ownership of the Black Qurna in his electoral campaign indicates a lack of understanding and short-sightedness, and whoever really bears the burden of blood is the gang that shot Haitham Tawq and killed him, and we insist on exposing The perpetrators and the demarcation of the borders, and let the law be between us, otherwise we will enter into a cycle of violence that has unimaginable consequences, and we have been calling for the application of the law and the detection of the aggressor since the attack on the cables of the ski stations so that we do not reach what we have reached today.

Touq revealed that “a development took place in the investigation today, as it was found that the shooting took place from a distance of about 300 to 400 meters, and we will not accept diluting the investigation or misleading it through false medical reports or saying that an exchange of fire took place.”

He also wished the army leadership to “release the four detainees from Bishri’s sons who were accompanying the martyr Malik Tawq, why are they still under investigation? And if Malik was killed by mistake or even intentionally, we do not accuse the Lebanese army, and the leadership must punish the perpetrator internally, and this Things are happening, as for the fifth detainee, he is an eyewitness to what happened with Haitham Tawq and he is still in the Intelligence Directorate to take his testimony, and I demand that the investigation be unified and kept in the judicial judiciary, except with regard to the killing of Malik Tawq in the event that it turns out that he was killed by the Lebanese army.

He was surprised by “the position of the commander of the northern region in the Internal Security Forces, Youssef Darwish, and his described fearlessness in dealing with this double crime, as he continued his musical evening in Beirut as if nothing had happened.”

Tawk concluded by noting that “the municipality of Bsharri has all the documents that confirm that Qurna As-Souda has been within its geographical scope since the days of the Mutasarrifiya, while the municipality of Baqaasfrin does not have any document proving its ownership.” And he demanded the need to expedite the detection of the perpetrators, because “yesterday there was sadness in Bsharri, but tomorrow there will be overwhelming anger.”

2023-07-04 16:34:16
#day #rage #tomorrow #Bsharri.. #Riad #Touq #reveals #sensitive #information #investigations #Danniyeh #barricades

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