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Lebanese Debate: The Challenges of Electricity and Internet Access in Lebanon

“Lebanese Debate”

It is not the first time that Lebanon has been plunged into darkness after the power production plants stopped, and it will not be the last, but the darkness today differs from the darkness of past years, after the Lebanese dispensed with “official” electricity a long time ago, and the threats to stop the Deir Ammar and Zahrani factories from working are no longer. It received the echo that it used to receive in the past, especially in terms of “panic” and the haste to provide dollars to the operating company, which quickly retracted its threat after obtaining an official promise to pay its dues in installments.

The company’s threat to cut off electricity to the Lebanese at a time when Lebanon is witnessing an unprecedented heat wave may have passed unnoticed by the citizens, some of whom had deliberately removed the electricity meters of the Electricity Corporation and dispensed with “state electricity” after the tariff was recently raised.

The electricity file overburdened the public treasury first and the citizen second, and the solution, as explained by the researcher at “International Information” Muhammad Shams El-Din, was in the alternatives that the Lebanese have created over recent years as a result of their suffering with the power outage crisis and harsh rationing by the Electricité du Liban. However, the researcher, Shams El-Din, told the “Lebanese Debate” that the citizen was unable to find an alternative to the Internet, which is provided by the state.

Shams El-Din refers to an alternative network that has expanded, which is the network of private generators, after the maximum they get is 3 hours per day of electric current from the Electricity Corporation of Lebanon, despite all the plans and agreements, which has led to this file remaining thorny and complex. without any horizon.

Shams El-Din confirms that the Lebanese no longer depend on the electric current from the Electricité du Liban Corporation, because they have alternatives to secure energy as well as water, by subscribing to private generators, batteries and solar energy, but the problem that is almost the only one is the Internet, which the Lebanese have not succeeded to date in securing alternatives. On behalf of the official institution, because the interruption of electricity to “Ogero” leads to the interruption of all Internet lines, even from private companies that secure the Internet from the only source, which is “Ogero” and not from any other sources, as no party has initiated the adoption of international Internet lines and securing the Internet for citizens.

2023-08-18 04:34:19
#Cut #electricity #Ezz #AlShoub.. #threat #work

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