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Lebanese Debate: Controversial Diplomatic Formations and Violations of Law and Content

“Lebanese Debate”

The issue of diplomatic formations is still a matter of back and forth, especially since it was contrary to the laws in terms of form and content, and in light of the presidential vacancy that some ministers have become accustomed to in their decisions, as if it is a normal matter.

These formations constituted a provocation, especially to the Free Patriotic Movement, where the official of international relations in the Free Patriotic Movement, Dr. Tariq Sadiq, spoke about the movement’s position on these formations, which he expressed as a principled position, and he conveyed this position to Minister Abdullah Bou Habib.

He said in an interview with the “Lebanese Debate”: I told Minister Bou Habib that we consider the timing of the formations suspicious. In terms of form and content, we do not agree to present them because of the basic problem, especially in terms of timing, because we have information that President Najib Mikati is trying with all his capabilities that he can do so. With formations and appointments in light of the presidential vacuum.

As for the legal aspect, Sadiq refers to many mistakes in these formations, starting with the first mistake, where there is a circular issued by the Presidency of the Prime Minister from the heads of previous governments 2018 and 2021 asking the ministers not to make appointments without referring to obtaining exceptional approval from the Prime Minister and the President of the Republic, and the question Here, in the absence of the President of the Republic, who will sign in his place. Therefore, Sadiq Bouhabib warned that you are interfering with us in a case that was our main battle 8 months ago with the vacancy of the presidency.

And recalling what Bou Jbeib said, that between the bad and the worst, he chose the bad, to respond to him: “You did not choose the bad, but the worst,” because we cannot give up the powers of the presidency in order to secure the requirements of some employees, so whoever has four years left can wait for more months. After, until the election of the president.

Sadiq also indicates that in terms of form as well, the minister bypassed the administrative committee in the ministry because according to the law of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the diplomatic formations are proposed by this committee consisting of the director general, the director of political affairs, and the director of administrative affairs, and it was bypassed and the aforementioned directors were not placed in the form of these formations, and this is an administrative violation .

He also points out that these formations struck equality between diplomats in the same session, especially since there are diplomats who spent more than seven years abroad who were not dismissed from the ministry, although it could have done so.

All these violations that occurred with the formations, Sadiq asserts that the national movement is against them, and says: “Without entering into the content, the leaked names reveal a great disaster, especially in terms of standards, as some of the privileged were placed in important embassies and those who were not backed by a politician were distributed to marginalized embassies.

He also warns of major mistakes in terms of content in terms of sectarian distribution, revealing the injustice of the right to the Orthodox community in particular, which hides maliciousness in dealing, but the main issue for Sadiq is that the formations strike the national partnership and strike the powers of the president and by a minister who was supposed to preserve them because he was appointed From President Michel Aoun.

2023-07-28 13:16:23
#Strikes #national #partnership.. #Minister #turns #authority

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