Death misses Brigadier General in the Lebanese Army, Hanna Nakhla |
date of publication : 24-04-2023 |

The Army Command – “Directorate of Orientation” announces the demise of Retired Brigadier General Hanna Nakhleh, who passed away on 4/23/2023, and the following is a summary of his life:
– Born: 4/10/1958 in Ashrafieh – Beirut.
He volunteered in the army on 5/19/1983, and was promoted to lieutenant on 5/6/1985, then rose to the rank of brigadier general from 7/1/2013.
– Recipient of several decorations and commendations and congratulations from the Armed Forces Commander, several times.
He attended several courses at home and abroad.
– Married and only one child.
The body will be transferred on 4/26/2023 at 10:00 from the Central Military Hospital to the hall of the Pastoral Complex of St. Anthony the Great – the roundabout, where the funeral will take place on the same date at 17:00.
Condolences are accepted on 4/25/2023 starting from 15:00 until 19:00 and on 4/26/2023 starting from 11:00 until 19:00 in the aforementioned hall, or by calling his wife on the phone number 76/979279.
2023-04-24 20:05:05
#Death #misses #Brigadier #General #Lebanese #Army #Hanna #Nakhla