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Leave the Twitter – Levante-EMV

Ada Colau said that the network is left, and after her went Cristina Fallarás. They are not the first nor the last to, alas, announce it and exit. Jordi Sevilla He tried it in 2013. Back then, when Twitter was still something else, the former socialist minister shouted that this was not an appropriate agora for dialogue and slammed the door that made the windows shake. Months later it reappeared, as happened to the writer Lorenzo Silva, and as has happened to so many others. The conclusion of Seville in 2013 was the same as Colau or Fallarás in 2021. It turns out that Twitter was not, nor is, nor will it ever be an appropriate place for discussion.


It is programmed to make us lose our nerves because its owners make a fortune from our agitation. The philosopher Jorge Freire he reflects on this individual and social state in his latest essay (Agitation: on the evil of impatience, Foam Pages), and it does not escape him that the altered nerve is at the origin of many of our ills. The point is that on Twitter, evil brings a reward. Reputation skyrockets as user agitation grows. You have to be in all the masses and peals, and give the last cry with the other frogs. Twitter is not the agora, but the Coliseum.

There is not a week that, drunk or hungover from too much Twitter – sometimes drunk and hungover at the same time – I stop swearing to myself that this is the last time. I will discover myself in a few hours returning to love the landfill and swearing to my loved ones that “I control.” But hardly anyone controls. Neither on Twitter nor on the rest of the digital syringes that that troop of drug traffickers left at the doors of all schools. What a great business opportunity social media is for addiction psychiatrists.

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