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Learning Polish: A Strategic Move for Ukraine’s Future

Mordor is hostile. Semi-Trumpist America is unstable. Europe, sometimes led by the arrogant Hungary, is different.

So I advise you to learn Polish. Not instead of English. Instead of Russian. During Soviet times, three languages ​​were taught in Ukraine – Ukrainian, Russian and English. Now there should also be three. Not Ukrainian and English, but Ukrainian, English and Polish. Then no one will have any time or energy left for Russian. The state is obliged to get its bearings.

Explanatory work must be carried out with everyone who, on our part, ruined Ukrainian-Polish relations. In the future, when negotiating with Poland, proceed from Ukrainian interests, the main of which in these negotiations should be the elimination of all disagreements on all issues, including economic, historical and all others. That is, to give in wherever you can give in. It is better to lose to Poland than to lose to Russia.

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Our path to Europe and Civilization lies through Poland. Only Germany cannot digest us. Even together with the entire Baltic. Poland is our everything. Along with, of course, those indicated, as well as the Main Country of the World and Great Britain.

Adaptation of legislation to European standards should begin with maximum adoption of Polish experience. Learn everything from the Poles. First of all, in relation to one’s Motherland, and everything else follows from this. They came from the same place that we cannot mentally escape from. Let the experience of those who have escaped and been successful, being similar to us in territory and population, history and geography, help.

The history of Poland and Polish culture are parts of our common history and culture. Teach and know.

Mickiewicz is the Polish Shevchenko. Shevchenko is the Ukrainian Mitskevich.

This is not a tactic. This is a strategy. The entire history of Ukraine tells us that IT WILL NOT WORK OTHERWISE.

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2023-10-01 07:15:00
#Alexander #Kirsch #account #advise #learn #Polish #Blogs #OBOZREVATEL

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