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Learned something again: Jeff Bezos, 2026 first billionaire in the world?

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Millions of people are unemployed, many companies are facing bankruptcy. And Jeff Bezos? Even the Corona crisis cannot do anything about it. The assets of the Amazon founder are growing and growing. Investors reward that the online shop is in demand like never before. Because Bezos is “the brain at all”.

That’s what this episode of “Learned Again” is about. Read a short excerpt here.

Financial portal Bloomberg estimates the fortune of Amazon founder Jeff Bezos at $ 147 billion. This year alone, it has grown by $ 32 billion thanks to rising Amazon prices, even though the biggest economic crisis has raged for a hundred years. If he continues at this pace, Bezos could become the world’s first billionaire by 2026, the Comparisun analysis platform has calculated.


Thomas Rappold has been a successful entrepreneur of an internet consulting and investment company for over ten years.

(Photo: private)

The books, the cornerstone of Amazon in 1994, were only a means to an end from the start, says Thomas Rappold. Bezos’ dream was space travel – just like Tesla boss Elon Musk. In the 1990s, however, they both recognized that one had to “take an intermediate step” to get there, explains the fintech entrepreneur and Silicon Valley investor.

“Pulling up an IT startup was the best springboard for people who didn’t come from rich families. It was the fastest way to leverage their knowledge to either sell the companies, as in the case of Musk and Paypal, or to get them going quickly to bring the stock market, like in the case of Bezos. ” In the new episode of “Again what was learned” Thomas Rappold also explains why he thinks Bezos is the economic “brain”, how he runs Amazon and what he spends his money on.

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All episodes of “Again what was learned” can be found in the ntv app, Audio Now, Apple Podcasts and Spotify. You can use the RSS feed for all other podcast apps. Copy the feed URL and simply add “Learn again” to your podcast subscriptions.

“Learn something again” is a podcast for the curious: Why are pandemics more and more likely? What does the corona crisis mean for German breweries? Does Corona lead to more “Made in Germany”? Listen in and get a little smarter three times a week.

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